Swelling of the hands during pregnancy

This unpleasant symptom occurs in women in the waiting period of the baby quite often. Edema not only causes great discomfort, but can also signal some diseases. If the hands swell during pregnancy, then we can safely say that the future mother was confronted with the "tunnel syndrome" of the wrist. It arises as a result of accumulated fluid in the tissues, which compresses the nerve, located near the brush. This can lead not only to tingling, burning in the fingers and palms, but also to pain with numb hands.

What should I do if my hands swell during pregnancy?

The fight against this condition should be started immediately, as soon as you notice swelling. There are a number of recommendations that, according to doctors, will help to cope with this condition:

In addition, if the pain and swelling of the hands during pregnancy, you can enter into your diet diuretic herbal teas and infusions from a cowberry leaf or a bear's eye. It is also recommended to drink cranberry and cowberry morsels.

Swelling and numb hands during pregnancy

However, not every state can be corrected with the help of an adjusted diet and gymnastics. At numbness of hands, and also pains and a burning sensation the doctor can suspect at the future mummy inflammatory process in joints. It occurs as a result of an allergy or infection, but it is only the doctor who can accurately diagnose after a series of tests.

Another reason for the swelling, numbness and pain in the arms during pregnancy is the osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. In this case, treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor, but if there is no possibility to visit the doctor, and the pain does not recede, it is recommended to take Alphen's pill once.

To summarize, I want to note that pregnant women with edema, not only hands, but in general, need to struggle. Well, if they can be got rid of by changes in nutrition, but if this does not help, then you need to go to the hospital to not miss the onset of serious diseases.