Pomegranate during pregnancy

Everyone knows that during pregnancy, the body's need for vitamins and trace elements increases. Some doctors prescribe multivitamin complexes to pregnant women, while others recommend to consume vitamins in fresh vegetables and fruits. Indisputable is the use of pomegranate during pregnancy, as it contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements that are needed during this period.

What is useful for garnet for pregnant women?

Useful properties of pomegranate during pregnancy are determined by its composition, because it contains some essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, acids (tartaric, citric and malic), a wide range of vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, B15, E, A, PP) and trace elements (iron, potassium, magnesium, aluminum, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, copper). In addition, the use of pomegranate during pregnancy is an excellent prevention of colds, as this fetus has immunomodulatory and restorative action. Iron, which is contained in garnet, helps in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, which is often observed in pregnant women.

Benefit of pomegranate for pregnant women on different terms

You can use pomegranate in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially with toxicosis (nausea and vomiting), which reduces the symptoms of toxicosis. To the question "What is useful for pomegranate during pregnancy in the third trimester?", You can answer, having studied its diuretic effect. Since the 26th week of pregnancy, many women have swelling of varying severity, and the use of pomegranate has an anti-edematous effect and promotes the excretion of water from tissues. Antihypertensive effect (contributing to lowering blood pressure) pomegranate can be used in pregnant women with late gestosis (preeclampsia).

How many pomegranates can you eat?

Despite the large number of useful properties, it must be remembered that excessive intake of pomegranate can adversely affect the state of tooth enamel. Because of the increased need for a growing fetus in calcium, the tooth enamel of a pregnant woman can lose it, and the excessive consumption of pomegranate can further destroy it. Therefore, before eating a pomegranate you need to eat a piece of cheese or brush your teeth, and after taking the pomegranate rinse your mouth with water.

When grenades are not useful for pregnant women?

Pregnant you can eat pomegranate in the event that they do not have allergies to this fruit. To learn - how your body reacts to a pomegranate - it will be enough to eat a few grains and wait 30-40 minutes. In the presence of allergies on the body may appear large dense hyperemic spots or small red specks (urticaria), which will be very itchy. The rash can quickly spread throughout the body. The worst variant of the allergic reaction is the Quincke's edema, which is manifested by swelling of the larynx. Quincke's edema may progress gradually, or it may be lightning, and if a patient does not provide medical care, a person may die. It is possible to presume an allergy in a pregnant woman after finding out an anamnesis: whether a woman is allergic to food or medicines.

The second possible negative moment is the use of pomegranate pregnant women with high acidity. In late pregnancy, when the internal organs are displaced by a pregnant uterus, gastroesophageal reflux is sometimes noted (throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus). In women with a low acidity, when the pomegranate is taken, an even greater decrease occurs and the transfer of strongly acidic contents into the esophagus can lead to inflammation of its mucosa.

With caution, you need to eat pomegranate pregnant with a tendency to constipation and hemorrhoids, because the tannins contained in it aggravate the problems with the stool.

Let us summarize that garnet, like other useful products, should be used in moderation and take into account the individual characteristics of one's body. Otherwise, it can do more harm than good for the pregnant woman's body.