Scenario of the 50th anniversary of the man

The anniversary is an important event in the life of every person, and when it is connected with the figure of 50, the holiday acquires a special meaning. It's hard to imagine how much everything in this huge period has happened in the life of a person, but whatever, without the past, he would not be what he is now.

How to celebrate the birthday , so that the birthday boy was satisfied and the guests were left with pleasant impressions? If you do not want to spoil the celebration by cleaning potatoes, slicing salad and choosing an alcohol, you can order a table in a restaurant that will already burst with food for your arrival, and a smart serving will not leave anyone indifferent. To time flew quickly and fun it is desirable to hire a toastmaster, who will offer his script for a 50-year-old man. If you want, you can express your ideas or suggest some games. Professional toastmaster will include them in the script, and before the announcement of the game will make a beautiful presentation.

Organization and conduct of the 50th anniversary

Before the celebration you need to thoroughly prepare. To create a festive atmosphere, an apartment / cafe needs to be decorated with bright balloons, garlands, natural or artificial flowers. To the birthday boy was especially nice, you can cut out the flags and write on each different wishes. Take a special place under the wall newspaper with a collage of photographs of the jubilee in different periods of life. Under each picture you can write the date of creation and a small wish. The stenogas will be interesting to both the traitor and the invited. Do not forget to order a personalized cake with a photograph of the originator of the celebration or wishes for it.

When preparations are completed and the guests are already sitting in their seats, you can start celebrating. In the event that you hired a toastmaster, he himself will propose a script for the 50th jubilee. If you organize everything yourself, then you need to think up the script yourself. A good interesting scenario usually includes several important points:

  1. Competitions . Without them, the feast will turn into an ordinary drinking of alcoholic beverages. Think of a couple of competitions that will directly affect the birthday boy. So, it can be a contest with wishes, when guests cut out gifts from the paper that they would like to give to the birthday boy. Cut out things stretch on the line, and the birthday boy with blindfold cuts his "souvenir". On the idea of ​​the chosen thing should appear at it in the near future. As an entertainment, the "facts" game is suitable, when each guest tells an entertaining story about a birthday person or a fact from life.
  2. Songs for the anniversary of 50 years . Here you can use themed songs about the birthday of your favorite performers. And you can go the hard way and remake the old song in a new way, inserting into it the wishes and the name of the hero. Any words fit well on the motif of children's songs, for example from the m / f about Cheburashka ("Let them run awkwardly ..") or from the film "Volga-Volga".
  3. Toasts . Well, what a triumph without spiritual toasts? You can toast yourself, or you can prepare toasts in advance. Very opportunely will be toasts based on parables and fables - an adult audience and a birthday boy will certainly appreciate it. You can agree in advance and guests and distribute toasts for each person, but each toast should be instructive and based on a certain history.
  4. Making the script for the anniversary, be sure to take into account the enthusiasm of the birthday boy. So, if he is fond of fishing, you can organize a contest with the catching of banknotes from an improvised "pond", and at the end give the hero a good spinning or a set of fishing equipment. If the anniversary of the Pope's 50th birthday is celebrated, then his children can organize a mini-play in which an interesting scene from their family life will be played. Each competition, a poem or a toast must be permeated with the atmosphere of celebration and necessarily touch the man-hero.