Hydrocortisone in ampoules

Inflammatory diseases in severe forms sometimes require the use of corticosteroid hormones, for example, hydrocortisone. This medicine is effective almost from all non-infectious pathologies, and also helps to alleviate the symptoms of allergic reactions. Hydrocortisone in ampoules is one of the most preferred forms of release, as it has several uses.

Suspension for Injection Hydrocortisone

This medication is a glucocorticosteroid compound, which is of natural origin. It has a number of properties:

One of the characteristics of hydrocortisone acetate in ampoules is its ability to increase blood pressure and, thereby, increase the volume of circulating blood. Simultaneously, the drug reduces the concentration of lymphocytes, which significantly reduces the intensity of the immune response to allergens.

Indications for the purpose of suspension:

Injections are administered either intramuscularly or into the joint cavity.

In the first case, the drug is used in an amount of 50 to 300 mg at a time, the daily volume of the solution does not exceed 1500 mg. The needle should go deep into the gluteus muscle, the preferred time for the procedure is at least 1 minute.

The injections of hydrocortisone against inflammation in the joints are done once a week, 5-25 mg of the active substance. Dosage depends on the intensity of the pathological process and the size of the damaged organ, the entire course takes 3 to 5 days. The suspension is injected directly into the joint cavity.

It is worth noting that, due to the immunosuppressive effect of the drug, unpleasant side effects can occur in the form of:

Hydrocortisone in ampoules for the nose

Excretions from the sinuses, which have a yellowish-green hue and a thick consistency, indicate purulent inflammatory processes in the nose. To treat such a problem, it is recommended to prepare complex drops with hydrocortisone:

  1. Mix 1 ampoule of Mezaton, Dioxydin and the described medicine.
  2. Shake the suspension thoroughly until the liquid is completely homogeneous.
  3. Rinse the sinus with a mild saline solution in warm water.
  4. To drip into each nostril on 2 drops of the received medicine.
  5. Repeat manipulations 3 times a day.

Store such drops in the refrigerator, each time shaking the suspension before use. The general course of therapy should not last more than 4-5 days.