Capricorn Woman

The main distinguishing feature of Capricorns is a healthy conservatism in all spheres of life. This is clearly manifested in the woman Capricorn in his youth. Being a twenty-year-old girl, she looks much younger than her developed contemporaries - she does not pull out her eyebrows (she does not even think of it), she does not dye herself and does not deal with such trifles as a hairdo. She is beautiful and natural.

But that's nothing.

Being a forty-year-old woman, her dissimilarity towards her peers is even more amazing. To convince others at her age she has to show a passport.

What kind of women are Capricorns and from where do they have such conviction that tomorrow everything will be the same as today (including appearance)? The solution lies in an incredible belief in one's own strengths.


Character Capricorn woman is distinguished by ambition and perseverance. Since childhood, she dreams of uncharted heights, of a brilliant career and glory. And, it must be admitted, more often than not, Capricorns achieve the delivered.

In accomplishing difficult, but already planned goals, Capricorn helps their diligence, intelligence, education and excellent education. They know their own worth and usually achieve much before marriage.


However, Capricorn knows, because he has excellent mental abilities, that a woman in this world can achieve less than a man. So, we need to realize ourselves through the prism of the husband.

Often they are accused of marriage by calculation, but this is not true. Capricorns marry for love, but, in parallel, assess the prospects for this deal. They can say yes to the poor botanist, who a few years later will be awarded the Nobel Prize. It seems that Capricorns smell a fertile soil for their efforts.

It's worth taking note of those who care about how to win a Capricorn woman. They do not need to be won, they need to be interested. She will never look at a man who does not set high, ambitious goals, but can give a hand to someone who genuinely wants to achieve something, but does not know how. Capricorn can make a successful and prosperous partner out of his man.

In sex

Women Capricorns in sex are so prudent that they seem to be able to plan even rape. Therefore, many men consider them insensitive and not emotional. But in fact, inside Capricorn can boil a storm of feelings, she simply finds it unethical to show them until she makes sure of the sincerity of the partner's love.

Capricorns should be helped to be liberated in bed, to teach to be opened. Then the storm of feelings that will flow over this couple will not seem fresh to anyone.

They can not be criticized; on the contrary, one should approve and encourage them. Criticism can make Capricorn closed, so any trick and improvisation in bed should be accompanied by admiration.


A woman of Capricorn will have an excellent business family with Aries. Aries above all else puts his work, and Capricorn will not just take it as a given, but will also encourage reinforcement of workaholism.

Practical compatibility with a woman Capricorn will develop with Taurus, because they are both representatives of the elements of the earth, firmly standing on it with their feet.

With Virgo, very often a lasting and lasting relationship develops, in many respects, due to the fact that they both have persistence and persistence.

With Scorpio, Capricorn will have a turbulent, passionate romance that can help liberate the woman Capricorn.

With Pisces the union seems outwardly perfect, but the practicality and pragmatism of Capricorn will be painfully contrary to the philosophical view of the life of Pisces.