Gender education

In a society where women wear short haircuts, trousers, drive cars and occupy executive positions - they damage their family. And men in the meantime forget about such concepts as masculinity, will power and responsibility. To a small child, with a not yet fully formed notion of gender identity, it is difficult to understand what are the characteristics and norms of behavior of a particular sex.

The reality is that girls clearly lack tenderness, modesty, patience, and boys - emotional stability and endurance. Children initially lack understanding of how a woman should behave and what qualities a man should possess. Therefore, if you do not take the appropriate measures, future mothers completely lose their maternal instinct, and Dad - the realization of their own importance as the head of the family. In this regard, the relevance of gender education of preschool children , schoolchildren and adolescents is growing every day.

Gender education of preschool children

Approximately from the age of 2, children begin to realize their gender identity, closer to the age of 7 they develop gender sustainability - the understanding that a girl will grow up and become a woman, a mother, and a boy a man, a father. Therefore, the main goals of gender education of preschool children are to instill in the child the specific features that are characteristic of his sex. At the same time, in the process of formation of an ideal model of behavior, both teachers and parents, the incorporated biological features of different-sex children should be taken into account. For example, do not forget that:

And also in the process of gender education of boys and girls , one must take into account the fact that they have developed different forms of perception of information. If girls have more developed auditory, then boys - visual.

Gender education of schoolchildren and adolescents

The tasks of gender education at this age are reduced to:

However, in organizing gender education, it is impossible to place biological and anatomical features above personal growth and development of the child's unique abilities, if they are more characteristic of the opposite sex.