Sign of the zodiac Cancer compatibility

Each of us is able to get on well with some people and has difficulties in communicating with others. This sign of the zodiac, like Cancer, is compatible with many people, because it is gentle and understanding by nature. However, for such people there are those with whom relations will be difficult to build.

Sign of the zodiac Cancer - compatibility of the woman

Woman Cancer is compatible in love with many people, but does not always choose suitable partners. She can not understand herself, and her partner does not always manage to do it either. She is afraid of criticism and ridicule, she is vindictive.

She lives past memories, feelings, and all this is very expensive for her. Near her there should be a tactful, kind, understanding partner - the other just hurts her feelings . She is an excellent hostess, hospitable and hospitable, and a person who does not get along with it is not getting along.

Man-Cancer: compatibility in love

A man whose zodiac sign is Cancer is compatible with all watermarks. However, he could get along with anyone who would appreciate his feelings and not take offense at his secrecy.

A man with a zodiac sign "Cancer" is compatible with those who are tolerant of jealousy, as a strong owner. He does not fit freedom-loving flirt. His type is an intellectual woman, who also wants to do housework. He is an attentive person with an analytical mind, he can easily solve any problem. However, Cancer is not sure about himself, and in relationships constantly requires proof of love and affection.

Compatibility Cancer with zodiac signs

Cancers do not always understand themselves, and next to them they need a partner who will help them in self-knowledge and be patient and faithful.

  1. Cancer and Aries: a dangerous combination for Cancer, because a rough Aries can greatly offend, injure and even plunge into depression.
  2. Cancer and Taurus: This is a harmonious couple that can become a strong family. They are both homebodies, they are comfortable together. Such a pair is held together by common principles and interests.
  3. Cancer and Gemini: partners in this pair can survive a violent romance, but they will not have a long relationship, because Gemini is two-faced, and Cancers do not tolerate this.
  4. Cancer and Cancer: this couple is waiting for emotional problems, it is difficult for them to get along together, because none of them is ready to meet halfway and deal with the problems of the second.
  5. Cancer and the Lion: in this union, Cancer will always be lacking in attention from both the partner and the people around. In addition, his constant nagging pretty quickly tired of Leo, and he will be rude and intolerant.
  6. Cancer and Virgo: these two will never know what passion is, their union will be insipid and calm. However, these two do not aspire to anything, so for them it will be the best choice.
  7. Cancer and Libra: Libra strives for variety, social life, entertainment, but this is contrary to the domestic nature of Cancer. Cancer is better to sit at home with a book and a mug of tea, rather than embark on an adventure. This is the reason why such a union is rarely long.
  8. Cancer and Scorpio: they are drawn to each other, and they can find a common language. From this union, in which some complications are possible at the initial stage, a harmonious and happy family can turn out.
  9. Cancer and Sagittarius: Sagittarius is too superficial and mundane for Cancer, and Cancer for Sagittarius is a dreamer detached from reality. They are unlikely to ever understand each other.
  10. Cancer and Capricorn: there are not many feelings in this union, but the house is a full cup: financial stability, calm relations - they all like it both. They feel peace and security, and this is very important for them both.
  11. Cancer and Aquarius: Aquarius likes everything, it's everywhere and nowhere, and Raku soon gets bored waiting for his house by the window. Too sociable one partner and too closed second is unlikely to ever find a common language.
  12. Cancer and Pisces: This is a sensual, passionate alliance in which a couple understands each other. They can be happy together if they learn not to dissemble.

Cancer can be repelled by its propensity to experience and depression - light sadness is its habitual condition. But if it does not scare their partner, then the union will be strong and happy.