Celine Dion is killing himself for the deceased husband

Celine Dion, who before the loss of her husband and producer Rene Angelil was a workaholic, is now just fixated at work. Close singer is alarmed by her manic enthusiasm for the stage, because from her forms soon will be only bones.

This promise

Before the death of René Angelil, who fought with a throat cancer, Celine Dion promised her husband, who was her mentor in the world of show business throughout her musical career, that she would surely sing.

A little recovered from the grief, Celine recalled the request of Renee and fanatically performs his duty to him.

Forgetting about sleep and food

The day of the star is painted by the minute and there is no place for rest, the native singers complain. Dion herself does not consider her schedule crazy, not going to sit idly by. Before his death, Angelil watched to ensure that his beloved woman rested and, like her manager, knew how to insist on his own. He was gone, and for Celine there are no authorities, now she is simply harassing herself.

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Only in the last month, and without that, thin Dion lost another three kilograms and tries to hide her tired look with makeup and sunglasses.