How to learn to walk beautifully?

A beautiful woman always attracts the eyes of others, and her gait can tell about her self-confidence and attitude to others. Very often it is the way of life that influences the fact that not always a pretty girl has a good posture and gait. So how can one learn how to walk beautifully, so that the stoop and clumsy movements of a woman during walking are not conspicuous and do not represent her in a disadvantageous light before others?

How to make the gait beautiful?

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is a correct posture - the basis of a beautiful gait. To do this, you need to align your back. Shoulders be raised as much as possible, take them back and lower them. The result should be a correct and graceful posture.
  2. You also need to make sure that the chin is slightly raised, the chest is straightened, and the stomach is retracted.
  3. In the process of walking it is important to learn how to put the foot correctly. She always moves smoothly forward, falls on the heel and gently rises to her toe. If this happens the other way around, then walking will not be smooth and easy.
  4. There is no need to take too wide a step. From this, the body and head will swing heavily. The step should be small, a few centimeters more than your foot.
  5. To the gait was not constrained, the movement of the hands should be in the rhythm of walking, and not just hang out or be in your pockets.
  6. Do not make strong wobble hips, just shake them lightly.

Perhaps, some will ask a question, but how to develop a beautiful gait with heels? First of all, stick to all the above tips. However, we should add a few more to this:

  1. Begin by straightening up your posture using simple exercises. The most common is walking with a book on his head.
  2. To begin with, learn to walk in low-heeled shoes or a platform. They must be comfortable and not compress your foot.
  3. First you need to learn to walk slowly, and then gradually speed up the step.
  4. Legs should be placed evenly and not bent at the knees, otherwise it will look ridiculous and awkward.
  5. The most important thing in this business is to develop endurance and balance, constantly shifting weight from the heel to the toe. This will make it easier to walk on his heels.

Remember that constant practice will necessarily lead you to success in this noble cause.

For a woman, a beautiful gait is very important, because it emphasizes all of its virtues. The most important thing is to remain self-confident in any place, being ordinary in the home environment or posh people in society.