Iodine burn

In case of improper treatment of scratches, cuts, abrasions, other wounds and various rashes, an alcoholic solution of iodine can cause a chemical burn . This phenomenon is quite common, because many iodine is in the home medicine chest, but not all are familiar with the rules of its use. Also, not everyone knows that iodine often causes allergic reactions.

If a burn is obtained from iodine, then it should be treated as soon as possible, especially on the face, because the consequences of such damage are permanently retained on the skin. With not extensive burns, treatment can be done at home, following certain recommendations (except when there is an individual intolerance to iodine). Consider what and in what sequence should be done with iodine burn.

How to cure a burn from iodine?

Often a burn occurs because of the excessive amount of iodine applied to the lesions, when treating the surface of open wounds, and when applying this medication to healthy skin. Manifestations of a burn from iodine can occur not immediately, but after a certain time. This causes severe dryness of the skin, sometimes with cracks, and in more severe cases blisters and wounds can form.

Recommendations for the treatment of skin burns from iodine are as follows:

  1. If the symptoms of a burn appear immediately after the treatment of the skin, you should wash it off with plenty of water (preferably warm and boiled) to stop its damaging effect on the tissue. Rinse should be done within 10-15 minutes. If the manifestations of a burn are noticed after a lapse of half an hour or more, then the product should be washed off from the skin for about 30 minutes.
  2. After rinsing, it is necessary to treat the iodized surface with a neutralizing agent. As such a means, a water-soap solution, chalk powder or dental powder, as well as a sugar solution (20%) can be used.
  3. Then on the site of damage should be applied, possessing wound healing and regenerating properties. To do this, you can apply cream, ointment or aerosol with dexpanthenol, sea buckthorn oil, rosehip oil or roses, ointment "Rescuer" or other drugs with a similar effect. The application of the drug should be repeated 5-6 times a day and continue until complete healing.

For some time, a dark stain may remain on the skin after a burn. How soon it disappears depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the condition of the skin, the severity of the burn and the timeliness of first aid.