Chair by own hands

What could be better than a beautiful and good-quality chair made by oneself? Especially if it is made of solid wood. After all, such furniture is ecologically clean, has a noble appearance and can serve for an unlimited time. It is only necessary to choose the appropriate form for the future chair.

Necessary materials and tools

To make a chair of wood with our own hands, we do not need any special tools. It will be enough for those that already exist in the arsenal of any owner of the house:

The simplest chair design can be performed even if you do not have special experience and knowledge when working with wood . For our master class, we took the average sizes for wooden chairs by ourselves, but you can change them to those that are most suitable for you, for certain needs and needs.

How to make a chair yourself?

How easier to make a chair, you can understand from the following instructions:
  1. Take a board 5-7 cm thick and cut out 4 identical bars with a length of 40 cm or 16 inches. These will be the legs of our chair. It is necessary to take a particularly careful approach to measurements, because the stability and convenience of our future creation will depend on how much they are the same.
  2. For the seat, you need to take a board a bit smaller thickness, about 3.4-4 cm and cut out a square whose sides in length will be about 30 cm or 12 inches. With the help of the rubbank, we process the corners of the future seat, gently rounding them.
  3. We make one more detail of the same dimensions as described in the previous paragraph - this will be the back of our wooden homemade chair.
  4. We process all the details with sandpaper. This is a very important step, since our safety directly depends on the smoothness of the wood blanks - the more carefully the parts are scratched, the less the risk of injury or getting a splinter in the subsequent use of the chair. To make its parts the smoothest, you must first use coarse-grained sandpaper, and then fine-grained.
  5. All the details are first thoroughly impregnated with stain, and then painted with paint. If you want to preserve the texture of the tree, then you can cover the workpieces with the lacquer of the desired color. It should also be taken into account that if the chair is to stand on the street, then you need to select special means on which there is a note "for outdoor works".
  6. With the help of a saw we grind a chamfer on the rear legs, which will securely fix the back of the chair.
  7. With the help of nails or screws we connect the legs and the seat with each other.
  8. We attach the back with the help of nails and make sure of the strength of the structure.
  9. On the lower part of the legs of the chair, we beat pieces of felt so that it does not leave scratches on the floor covering .