Room Rose - winter care

Miniature roses are small copies of various garden forms of roses brought to Europe from distant China at the end of the 19th century. On their basis in the late 20th century in many countries, many indoor roses of different colors were brought out: from soft white to black. Miniature shrubs with a height of 20-40 cm with leaves 2-3 cm and flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter are very beautiful and elegant. To grow them you need a bright, well-ventilated room. In summer, the plant should be lightly shaded from the scorching rays of the sun and tend normally, as well as behind other indoor plants. But care in winter for a roomy rose has its own rules.

Why do not room roses bloom in winter?

A long period of rest, which come in the room roses in the winter, a little difficult to care for them. Many amateur flower growers, not knowing about this feature, rush to throw the plant, considering it dead. The period of "sleep" at the indoor rose begins around the end of November. This is facilitated by a decrease in daylight hours and a decrease in the temperature of the outside air. The plant, which is actively growing in summer, gradually ceases to bloom and slowly sheds its leaves. Having exposed the twigs, the house rose "falls asleep" in the winter until the spring. How to properly save this tender plant?

How to care for a room rose in winter?

Caring for a house rose in the winter is not a very laborious process, it can even be applied to a beginner amateur florist:

  1. First you need to take out the flowerpot with our rose in a cool room, for example, on a glass loggia or balcony.
  2. In an apartment, the flower is not recommended to be kept - it will simply dry without leaves and die.
  3. The room should not have drafts.
  4. The air temperature should not fall below +4 degrees Celsius.
  5. It is not recommended to place the flower near the heating radiators, since dry air can kill your plant.
  6. Do not use a refrigerator for winter storage of a home rose, the plant needs fresh air and small lighting.

Caring for a room rose below zero

How to save a room rose in winter, if the temperature on the loggia fell to zero degrees and below? The plant is able to withstand a drop in temperature, but only a few days. To protect the rose from frostbite, you need to mulch the soil in the flowerpot (cover with a layer of pine needles or foliage). The vase itself should be insulated by wrapping it with a cotton wool, an old piece of natural blanket or other warm material. Do not cover the rose with a jar, condensation forms under it, and the absence of air exchange will lead to decay of the plant or the propagation of pathogenic bacteria. Watering the plant in winter is not very abundant, proceeding from the fact that the soil does not dry completely (minimum portions 1-3 times a week, depending on the total humidity of the room). To stimulate the growth and flowering of plants, pruning of indoor roses for winter is necessary. It is more expedient to conduct it immediately, as she drops the leaves. To do this, take an acute disinfected knife (so as not to infect the plant with fungal diseases) and trim the branches, leaving 3-4 kidneys.

Following our recommendations, winter care for a room rose and preparation for the winter, will not create for you big problems and surprises. At the end of February, the room rose should be moved to a warmer and sunny place, gradually increasing the illumination, the humidity of the earth in the flowerpot and the air temperature. After removing the mulching, it is better to disinfect the soil, since dry needles and leaves can be a source of fungal diseases. In the flower shops for this purpose, sell a lot of different means, directly for indoor roses. And in March, expect the first spring flowers.