Gloksinia from seeds

To grow out of seeds gloksiniyu, as practice shows, it is possible not always. But if you equip yourself with knowledge and patience, then you will have several more beautiful indoor plants grown on their own. The biggest mistake of the flower growers, who for the first time try to grow gloxinium from seeds, is the non-observance of the rules for caring for seedlings. The result is pitiable - until a flowering plant they just do not live out.

Seed collection

To grow gloxinia from the seeds was successful, it is necessary to collect them correctly. The first thing the plant should be manually pollinated. To do this, wipe the cotton disc carefully on all the pistils of the blossoming gloxins in the house. A few days later, the pistils that have pollinated, wilted, their petals will fall off, and on the peduncles seed capsules will begin to form. Usually they burst after 6-8 weeks. After seeing that the box has burst, cut it together with the peduncle. Collect the gloxinia seeds more conveniently with a glass: as soon as there is a crack in the box, immediately lower it into a glass, the ripe seeds of dark brown color will fall out themselves. In the chemical treatment, the seeds do not need to be planted before planting.


Seeding gloxinia seeds can be carried out at any time of the year. Some growers are guided even by the lunar calendar. Soil for the reproduction of gloxinia seeds is better to choose light and fibrous. Organo-mineral peat mixture is an excellent solution. The fact is that the roots of the seedlings will be more convenient to attach to the fibers, and the plant itself will acquire a more stable position.

Before planting gloxinia with seeds, the soil should be kept in the freezer for 24 hours, so that all bacteria, spores and larvae of pests are lost. With the same purpose, you can use both an oven and a microwave oven.

For germination of gloxinia seeds, it is recommended to use a plastic transparent container with a lid. At the bottom lay the soil layer of 2-3 centimeters, level it. Slightly ramming, and then abundantly moisturize. At the same time, drainage is not needed, so only a few days will pass before the seedlings are piqued.

Seeds are sown from above, not sprinkled with earth, because they need light to germinate. Once again moistening the soil, the container is tightly closed with a plastic lid. The resulting greenhouse is necessary in order for the solid shell of seeds to dissolve more quickly. The container should be placed in a well-lit place. If the light day is short (less than 12 hours), then a fluorescent lamp is needed. Special heating for seedlings is not needed.

Every three to four days, it is necessary to moisten the soil. Do not air a greenhouse. In a week you will see little sprouts. After three weeks they will noticeably grow up, so you need to make a pick. If the conditions in the greenhouse gloxinium completely satisfied, then the seedlings will have to be transplanted a little earlier, because the shoots interfere with each other, and their growth slows down. While the seedlings will turn into an adult plant, it will be necessary to transplant them three or four times. The last time gloxinia is transplanted into individual plastic cups and is not covered. In order to adapt successfully, a few days more young plants under the lamp should be kept.

Two or three months after sowing the seeds, the plants can be planted in pots and transferred to a wick watering plant. Such watering is convenient in that it is not necessary to monitor the state of the soil and add water. Plants absorb as much moisture as they need. In these pots of gloxinia grow, and will bloom for the first time.

By following these recommendations and using this method of reproduction , you can easily grow gloxinia from seeds.