Ampel fuchsia

In the distant 1695, a French botanist named Plumier was brought out an unusually beautiful plant with drooping flowers - fuchsia . The flower was named in honor of the botanist from Germany Fuchs. After that, the breeders brought out many other varieties and fuchsia hybrids.

Fuchsia - an evergreen plant of the Cyprinidae family - in its shape is ampel, stamping and shrubby. Oval green leaves in her are located on long petioles of reddish color. Single flowers hanging down like lanterns. Many growers like this unpretentious and undemanding plant for its surprisingly elegant flowers of various colors. Fuchsia buds can be pink and lilac, white and lilac; they are of simple form, terry and even racemose.

Cultivation and care for ampulla fuchsia

Most often, flower growers grow a simpler in care ampelnuyu fuchsia. You can keep it in the room, on the terrace, on the balcony and even in the summer garden. In hanging baskets and pots , in pots on the windowsills, in containers on the street - ampoules fuchsia will be a real decoration everywhere.

The best container for growing ampulla fuchsia is a wire basket with a mixture of peat moss, vermiculite and perlite. Before you fill this mixture in a container, it should be well moistened.

The fuchsia of ampelic apical shoots multiplies. If you want to grow fuchsia in the garden, then its cuttings up to 15 cm long must be rooted in water, and in May - planted in open ground. Alternatively, to ensure that the root system is not very damaged during the planting of the cuttings, you can immediately plant them in a container. In the spring you dig in a container with a plant directly into the soil, and in autumn this container is excavated and transported for wintering to a cool place with a temperature of about 10 ° C.

You can grow a young fuchsia in a clay or plastic pot. We fill the pot with vermiculite and plant the cuttings of fuchsia along the edge of the pot. After about three weeks, the shoots will grow roots, and they can be planted in pots with soil. So the cuttings will grow until the spring, when it's time to drop the ampoule fuchsia into the street in the hanging pots. In order to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots and increase the flowering of fuchsia, it must be pricked after three pairs of leaves are formed on each branch.

The indoor flower of fuchsia is quite unpretentious. However, the plant does not like bright sunlight. Therefore, in a room it is better to keep it on the north, west or east window. And in summer, the flower should necessarily be shaded from the bright sun.

If there was a need to transplant fuchsia into a larger pot, then it is better to do it in the spring. The soil for fuchsias should be fertile. In order to stimulate the growth of young shoots after the transplant, the old plant twigs should be cut about a third of their length.

Care of the blossoming fuchsia is the abundant watering and spraying of the plant. However, it is not worth pouring it, because in this case all the flowers can fall. Every ten days you need to feed fuchsia with organic and mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. However, follow the dosage: excess fertilizer can lead to leaf sprouting and a decrease in flowering. During the flowering period, fuchsia does not like any changes, drafts and permutations. It can discard all flowers and even unopened buds. Wilted flowers must be cut off so that they do not take away the strength of the plant.

In winter fuchsia must provide a rest period. Moreover, the lower the air temperature, the less watering the plant should be. If the humidity in winter is insufficient, fuchsia leaves need to be sprayed. A bright flowering shrub fuchsia will not leave anyone indifferent!