Cocoa during pregnancy

Many women, being in an "interesting" position, recall the favorite since childhood cocoa drink. But pregnancy dictates to us its conditions, and many of the usual and favorite foods are prohibited. Doctors say that soluble cocoa during pregnancy can bring both benefit and harm.

The Benefits of Cocoa with Milk

Cocoa is an excellent antidepressant, which for pregnant women with their crying, melancholy and irritability is a real find. Just one cup of a wonderful drink is capable of cheering up and energizing for the whole day. This property is due to the content of the cocoa phenylephylamine - a substance that helps to cope with depression, gives joy and a sense of peace.

Cocoa contains zinc, iron and folic acid , so the drink can become an additional source of vitamins. In addition, the composition also contains protein, which is extremely important for a pregnant woman.

Cocoa during pregnancy is recommended for women with low blood pressure. The caffeine content in the drink raises pressure, energizes and gives vitality. In addition, cocoa is useful for maintaining skin elasticity, which is also important in pregnancy.

Harm to cocoa

Despite all the benefits of cocoa, a drink can also bring harm. The fact is that cocoa is a strong allergen, so the hypersensitive organism of a future mother can react to a drink in the most unpredictable way. Cocoa is also contraindicated for women suffering from hypertension. As the drink raises pressure, it is better to refuse pregnant women with a similar disease from cocoa.

One of the reasons for the ban on the use of cocoa during pregnancy is the property of the drink to influence the absorption of calcium. Everyone knows that a sufficient amount of calcium in the body of a woman during pregnancy is the main condition for normal growth and development of the fetus. The lack of a microelement is reflected not only in the formation of the skeleton of the child, but also on the mother's health - there are problems with teeth, nails and hair. Cocoa not only prevents the absorption of calcium, but also contributes to its early withdrawal from the body.

Cocoa Nesquic in Pregnancy

Given the fact that cocoa has both beneficial properties, and has a number of contraindications, before consuming the drink, you should consult your doctor. If the expert still allowed to drink 1-2 cups a day, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of the drink itself.

Today, the market presents products of several manufacturers, including ready-made cocoa Nesquic. On the one hand, the product is easy to use, but if you carefully read the packaging, you can find a few not quite "desired" components, including flavor and emulsifier. Of course, if you wish, you can use this drink, but many doctors prefer the usual brewed cocoa.

Cocoa butter in pregnancy: benefit and harm

Cocoa butter is also useful, which many women use as a means of fighting stretch marks , cellulite and excess weight. Cocoa butter improves the elasticity of the skin, preventing the appearance of striae, and also has a wound-healing effect.

Contraindication to use this tool is a possible allergic reaction, because cocoa butter, like the beverage itself, is a strong allergen. In any case, before using the drink or using cocoa butter it is better to consult a doctor.