How to give birth to a large fruit?

A fruit weighing more than 4000 g and a height of more than 54 cm is considered to be large.

External signs, such as a large abdominal circumference and the height of the standing of the uterine fundus, can only indirectly confirm that there will be a large fruit, because the polyhydramnios, too, changes these indications. But an ultrasound scan helps to diagnose a larger fetus more accurately. First of all, this should be expected if, if the fetus is larger than the period for the main sizes for 1 week or more.

Also, with full term and delayed pregnancy, a large head is important in the fetus - after all, it will be the first to go through the birth canal, and if the head passes, all the rest will pass. The main dimensions of the head for 40 weeks of pregnancy - BDP (biparietal size of the skull) - 94 mm, LTE (frontotemporal size of the skull) - 120 mm, if these dimensions are larger, these are signs of a large head in the fetus.

Large fetus and childbirth

If a large fetus is diagnosed, then the question of what to do: lead a birth naturally or resort to a cesarean section, stands in front of a gynecologist. But very rarely, and only in the absence of concomitant pathology, the doctor decides on a natural delivery. The management of labor with a large fetus has its own peculiarities: it is necessary to prevent the medication prophylaxis of the weakness of labor and hypoxia of the fetus . During labor there may be a need for perineotomy (dissecting the perineum to increase the size of the birth canal and prevent its ruptures). In the postpartum period, preventive maintenance of hypotonic bleeding of the mother is carried out. But if a functionally narrow pelvis is detected in the beginning of labor, a woman can make a cesarean section during childbirth, to prevent injury to the mother and child.

Caesarean section with large fetus

A large fetus is a relative indication for cesarean section. But when a large fetus is expected at the same time, and a woman has a narrow pelvis, or an umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus, breech presentation , complications in previous births with a large fetus or a cesarean section in the past, the gynecologist usually does not risk giving birth naturally. Other indications for caesarean section for a large fruit - severe late pregnancy gestosis, a delayed pregnancy with unready birth canal, severe accompanying diseases of the mother.

Prevention of the development of a large fetus

If a woman already had large children, there are risk factors for the birth of a large fetus and ultrasound confirmed the probability of the birth of a large child, then prepare for it better in advance. Diet in the last months of pregnancy, balanced for all nutrients, but with the restriction of sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates, can prevent too fast weight gain in the fetus.