Signs for the New 2015 year

Many people are waiting for the New Year and try to observe signs and superstitions, well, or at least some of them. Even those who do not believe in such things, still remember the saying that "how you will meet the New Year - so you will spend it."

Signs for the New Year 2015

There are many different signs, for example, those that will help improve the financial situation next year. Buy or make yourself a small bag of red cloth and put in it 3 gold (copper) coins with a lattice up. Place it in the refrigerator on the lowest shelf. Also, to improve the financial situation, it is recommended to distribute all debts before the New Year, and try to return what was lent to you. The symbol of the year in the New Year 2015 is the Blue (green) wooden Goat. Buy a small statuette and put it in a prominent place. It will be a beautiful talisman and amulet for the whole year.

Other signs for the New Year:

  1. When they begin to beat the chimes, write on the piece of paper a cherished desire, burn it, and throw ash in a glass of champagne and drink everything to the bottom. Such a ritual will help to carry out the plan.
  2. A minute before the battle of the chimes, you must carefully clean the mandarin and put it under the tree. This ritual is for the sake of luck throughout the year.
  3. To return the passion to the relationship, it is necessary to kiss the beloved person to the chiming clock.
  4. To say goodbye to all the problems and adversities, open the window, this will help the departing year to take with itself all the bad things.

The New Year is considered a sacrament of time change; therefore, its celebration should be treated with full responsibility. It is important to think about not only the menu and appearance, but also carefully choose a company. Observing these rules, you will certainly get everything you want.

Joke divination for the New Year

During the celebration you can have a little fun and look into the future. There are many different options, consider a couple of them.

  1. Guessing on champagne . To do this, you need to put a piece of chocolate into a glass of champagne and look at how it behaves. Chocolate was at the bottom, which means that the fun will be up to the drop, and if it emerges, the guest will be on the air wave. You can invent decodings yourself and add them with new values, for example, what will happen if the chocolate swims to the left side, etc.
  2. Magical nuts . This kind of fortune-telling for the New Year is loved by many, because it is very interesting. To do this, you will need to prepare and bake nuts, but instead of filling fill in the predictions for the next year. Write only something good and interesting.