Interesting facts about Canada

What is known to the common man in the street about Canada, which has not happened yet? The homeland of the famous maple syrup, the maple leaf itself, depicted on the national flag, Niagara Falls , polar bears - that's probably all that comes to mind. But in fact this amazing country, located in the northern part of the globe, is full of amazing discoveries that await every tourist.

In this article we will describe the most interesting facts about Canada - a country with a rich history and an incredible cultural heritage.

Features of geography

The unique location of this country causes not only a special climate, but also influences the flora and fauna. So, in Canada, which is the second largest country in the world, second only to the Russian Federation, nature itself has created the longest coastline on the planet. In addition, it contains a fifth of the world's fresh water. One third of the territory of the state is covered with forests, and the number of lakes in Canada is amazing. There are more of them here than in all countries of the world combined, although the largest lake is not in Canada at all!

Such natural features of the territory could not but affect the plant and animal world. On the planet there are about 30 thousand polar polar bears. And while more than 50% chose their place of residence is Canada. The given territory and moose have chosen, but they bring big problems to the local residents, because because of these animals, who have no idea about the rules of crossing the roadway, about 250 accidents happen every year. Deer, which in Canada is more than 2.5 million, behave more accurately, but they often are the culprits of an accident. But the beavers are animals, replenishing the treasury of interesting facts about Canada, since they built the longest dam on the planet. Its length is 850 meters! Kind of reptiles does not lead you into a state of shock? Then visit the neighborhood of Winnipeg during the breeding season of snakes. Tens of thousands of reptiles at this time show their love games, not trying to hide from the views of strangers.

Gastronomic facts

The fact that Canada is the birthplace of maple syrup is known to many, but do you know that 77% of its world volume is produced here? But not a single syrup ... It is in Canada, and not in the US, that produce and consume the largest number of donuts per capita. Another amazing fact - the love of Canadians to pasta with cheese. This product in the country is the most in demand. But the most popular alcoholic beverage is beer. Of all the alcohol consumed in the country, 80% falls on this drink. It is worth noting that in Canada to transport alcoholic beverages from the province to the province should get a special permit, otherwise without a penalty will not do.

Unbelievable but true!

Canada is the only country in the world where there are two exclamation marks in the name of the settlement. It's about the settlement of Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha !. And the name of Lake Pekwachnamaykoskwaskwaypinwanik Lake is the longest in the world.

One can not ignore the fact that there are 1453 airports in the country. There is even a special platform for landing guests from space. It was built in the city of Sao Paulo back in 1967. But UFOs have not yet used it. What's that UFO? You can even write a letter to Santa Claus himself at North Pole, H0H 0H0, Canada, and be sure to get an answer from him!

There is much more that can be said about this northern country, but it's better to visit Canada once and see everything with your own eyes.