When does it go through a toxicosis?

Such a phenomenon as an early toxicosis is felt by almost all women in the situation. Someone tolerates it more easily, to someone, every minute of suffering seems like an eternity. By itself, toxicosis - this is nothing like the reaction of the female body to the pregnancy that has begun.

The first symptoms of this phenomenon can be noticed by pregnant women with the appearance of a delay, i.e. at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. Such a toxicosis was called the early, or toxicosis of the first trimester. The main question that women ask at a gynecologist's appointment is when the toxicosis will pass and how much more to tolerate. Let's try to figure this out.

How is toxicosis manifested in small terms and how long does it last?

Before we tell when a toxicosis passes, let us say a few words about what kind of phenomenon it is and what its main signs and manifestations are.

Most often, early toxicosis manifests itself in attacks of nausea, vomiting in the morning, dizziness. In this case, the woman notes a sudden deterioration in overall well-being. Many pregnant women have nausea only in the morning and on an empty stomach. After eating, a woman begins to feel much better. In some cases, the opposite can be observed, - nausea is observed after eating, which leads to loss of appetite. In this case, vomiting can be, both single-shot and regular, daily.

If we talk about when the early toxicosis completely passes and its manifestations no longer disturb the woman, then it must be said that each organism is individual, and the specific time interval during which toxicosis is observed can not be called.

However, doctors say that in normal manifestations of toxicosis completely must disappear by the 14th week of pregnancy. As a rule, when the toxicity of the first trimester completely passes, the pregnant woman begins to feel much better, and is fully aware that she will soon become a mother. It is worth noting that some women complain of recurrent nausea and vomiting until the 20th week of pregnancy. Preservation of manifestations of toxicosis after 14 weeks should be the reason for applying to a pregnant doctor who is observing pregnancy.

Erroneous is the opinion of pregnant women concerning the duration of manifestations of toxicosis in multiple pregnancies. So, many believe that a toxicosis with a double will pass, when the 16-18 week comes. However, it is not. The duration of such a phenomenon in the bearing of several babies does not increase at the same time. However, as a rule, the symptoms and manifestations of toxicosis are more pronounced and bring more suffering to a woman than with single-pregnancy.