Finger gymnastics

All parents want their children to develop, learn new things and learn the world. Therefore, starting from the first weeks after birth, newly mums and dads begin to develop their baby. Massage, children's gymnastics, games - these are the necessary stages for the child to fully develop physically and spiritually. One of the most ancient and useful ways of communicating with the baby is finger exercises, which, in addition to entertainment, has a beneficial effect on the health of the child.

Finger gymnastics is useful for kids of different ages. From birth, parents can perform basic exercises, stroking and massaging the fingers of their baby. For six-month-old children there are complexes of finger surgery, which allow to develop fine motor skills. Also, finger exercises are used for schoolchildren to give rest to hands when children learn to write.

Since ancient times it is known that regular exercises for the hands and fingers improve the memory and work of internal organs. Also, finger gymnastics is used for the development of speech. Modern psychologists note that if the child's finger movements correspond to the norms of development, then the child does not lag behind in conversational speech. If you do not pay attention to this important moment, then children often experience a delay in speech development. Therefore, starting from six months, it is recommended to allocate 3-5 minutes per day for finger exercises. Massaging palm, each finger and separately each phalanx can be performed to music or uttering some rhyme. At the age of ten months, finger exercises for toddlers should become more diverse. Children should be given to roll wooden balls, sort out cubes, various buttons, pencils, yarn and much more. After a year and a half, children should be taught to button up buttons and various fasteners, lace up the laces, untie uncomplicated nodules.

Children's finger exercises are very popular with kids, so doing exercises is often accompanied by a merry laugh. The development of fine motor skills with finger surgery is quick and easy. The main thing is to allocate daily for exercises with the baby time.

Most finger exercises for toddlers are accompanied by pronouncing famous sayings. Looking over and rubbing the child's fingers you can say with the expression the following rhyme:


Porridge was cooking,

Children fed,

This is given (bend the little finger)

This was given (we bend the ring finger)

This was given (we bend the middle finger)

This was given (we bend the index finger)

And this did not give (we pull for the thumb)

You did not cut wood,

I did not wear water,

Kashi did not cook!

There are special complexes of finger surgery that are performed to music. Similar exercises, in addition to their main function, develop in children mindfulness and imagination. A complex of musical finger exercises for toddlers can be purchased on a disc in a children's store.

Babies who suffer from speech problems should perform exercises of articulatory gymnastics - exercises that contribute to the development of speech organs. Finger and articulation gymnastics, acting in a complex, allow for a short time to save the child from many troubles with speech.