Foci for children at home

Often on birthdays and other children's holidays, the question arises as to what to do for young guests. Not all parents can afford to hire an animator or clown, but you are quite capable of playing his role for your child and his friends, and with their direct participation. In this you will be helped by tricks for children, which are performed without problems at home.

The advantages of this pastime are obvious:

  1. Children instead of indulging in or finding out their relationship with each other, admire the focal point with admiration, so that the rest of adults can rest and relax.
  2. The magician often attracts young spectators to participate in tricks, which allows him to train the sleight of hand of children and develops a craving for learning new things.
  3. With minimal preparation, you can save considerably on organizing a children's holiday.

Consider examples of not requiring large time and financial costs of focus for children, which are easy to organize at home.

Changing the color of water

This focus is based on the action of immutable chemical laws. For him, we take three transparent glasses, water, vinegar, red cabbage, a little soap and washing powder. Cabbage is boiled and leave the broth to insist on all night. In the first glass beforehand, pour the usual water, in the second - a solution of washing powder, and in the third - a solution of soap and vinegar. Then, before the children's audience, we add a little broth of cabbage to all the glasses, not forgetting to pronounce the magic words appropriate to the occasion. The chemical reaction between substances will cause the water in the glasses to acquire a variety of colors: violet, green and red. This is one of the most accessible chemical tricks for children, which can be easily carried out at home.

Guessing the number of lobules in an orange

You take an ordinary orange and, without cleaning it, you say exactly how many lobules it contains. Toddlers peel off the orange and are thrilled to be absolutely right. The solution here is very simple: before this you need to carefully divide the twig and the tail of an orange and count the number of small proboscis or points that are directly under the tail. Their number is equal to the number of lobules.

The transformation of water into ice

If you are interested in light tricks for children that are easy to perform at home, pay attention to this "magic" trick. In advance, store a paper glass, ice, water and napkins. The glass should be chosen necessarily opaque. At its bottom we put a few hygroscopic napkins that absorb water well. On top of them, we lay out ice cubes. Before the breathless children's audience pour water into the glass, do a few spectacular passes with your hands, and then turn the glass and the children see the dropping ice. The secret is that all the water absorbs the napkins.

Obedient tie

Often children themselves are interested in how to learn foci independently at home. Suggest them the next option. A young magician appears before his friends in a dress suit, but as it turns out, he forgot to put on a "butterfly". The child is waving his magic wand - and now the tie is already there. To make it work out, we sew a thin rubber band to the tie in advance, and the tie itself hides under the armpit. The free end of the rubber band is threaded into the buttonhole located on the collar, and under the shirt it extends to the waist, where it is fastened. Now it remains to make a slight swing of the hand, the elastic is released, and the "butterfly" is on the neck. Among the interesting tricks for children at home, this one is striking in its simplicity.