Authenticity of the mind

Despite the increase in the total number of people with RAS (autism spectrum disorders), one can not speak of the progression of autism. Just in modern medicine, there are clearer definitions of such a concept as an autistic mindset. The criteria for identification and diagnosis have become more clear, which makes it possible to detect such disorders even to the smallest extent.

What does the autistic mindset mean?

The structure of each person's personality includes four main factors (substructures):

  1. Congenital qualities . These include, first of all, human temperament, intro- or extroverted behavioral models, and the type of thinking-artistic or analytical.
  2. Features of mental processes . This substructure includes all emotional manifestations, sensations, ability and features of the manifestation of feelings , stability or instability of behavior.
  3. Social properties . All types and nature of communications with the outside world, the type of worldview, moral qualities, drives, desires and interests of man.
  4. Level of preparedness . The ability to acquire and apply knowledge, practical skills, certain habits and level of fitness for life.

An autistic type of personality is established according to three characteristics, which to some extent manifest, beginning with childhood. These include:

People with autistic disorders are distinguished by a closed internal life, detachment from the external life, very weakly expressed emotions and feelings. In everyday life, this can be manifested by a complete lack of contact with the surrounding world, from the lack and underdevelopment of speech, to the complete ignoring of people. That is, such people are extremely emotional, especially to outsiders, often do not react to their own name and do not look into the eyes.

The autistic type of thinking is characterized by immersion in the world of one's own experience and the weakening of contact with the real world. In some cases, people with similar disorders can have unique and phenomenal abilities (savant syndrome), which, with proper education, can make them successful in the professional sphere.