Crunch at the knees

If you hear a crunch at the knee, immediately look for reasons, otherwise unpleasant diseases can develop which will give you much more trouble than just an unpleasant sound. A crunch in the knee during flexion can be a prerequisite for the development of arthrosis of the knee joint or other similar problem.

Crunch in the knees: causes

Let's consider the possible reasons:

  1. High load on the joint . If you lift heavy objects, for example, doing powerlifting, it is possible that over time, there will be a crunch and pain in the knees. The same effect can get people involved in running sports, or those where you have to load your feet for a long time.
  2. Incorrect food . If your diet is low in vegetables, fruits and products that contribute to the production of collagen, you should carefully revise your menu.
  3. High heels . Our body was not created for walking on stiletto heels, so if the foot lift exceeds 3-4 cm, an increased load is given to the knee joint.
  4. Obesity . If a person's weight greatly exceeds the norm, it naturally becomes difficult to walk and the knees will begin to ache. It is necessary to get rid of extra pounds,
  5. Passive way of life . Office work makes us spend most of our time sitting, which gives a side effect.

Treating crunch in the knees

Having identified the cause, it is necessary to deal with its elimination. Most likely, having addressed to the doctor, you receive a classical advice - to move more as the crunch in the knees is often caused by the deposition of salts, and they are easily eliminated by sports training.

Revise your daily menu. Get rid of high-calorie foods, fast food, etc. In your diet, fruits and vegetables must necessarily be present, which will supply the body with vitamins and beneficial microelements. Decrease the consumption of spicy, salty and sweet dishes, this will reduce the deposition of salts, and at the same time and get rid of extra pounds, if any.

The crunch in the knees while walking can also be eliminated by using ordinary gelatin, which is sold in bags at any grocery store. Gelatin is the same collagen from pharmacies that are recommended for such diseases. It strengthens the ligaments and joints, makes the tissues stronger and more elastic. By the way, the action of expensive collagen complexes and food gelatin is equally effective, so there is no reason to overpay.

If you are an athlete and your knees get a lot of work, it is advisable to use about 10 g of gelatin per day, if the load is average, then about 5 g. Choose the method of reception yourself, probably the most pleasant is to prepare a fruit or berry jelly. Jellied fish and pork chill will also serve as a good source of collagen.

If the crunch in the knee does not pass during extension, in spite of the measures taken, it is worth immediately contacting a doctor and doing an x-ray. Although, as a rule, enough of the listed methods.

While playing sports, you can use special elastic bandages or bandages that will reduce the burden on the knee joint.

Do not be unnecessary warming ointments or just a hot bath after a busy day, it will help relax the muscles and improve blood circulation in the body.

Watch your health and do not run it. The work will always be, so it is extremely important to find time for recreation and leisure activities.