Detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages of pregnancy

One of the main causes of abortion is the detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages, almost at its very beginning. Such a violation in most cases is one of the initial stages of spontaneous abortion in women. Let's take a closer look at it and tell about the possible causes of the occurrence, as well as about how a woman herself can assume the development of such a violation.

What is meant by the term "detachment of the fetal egg"?

Under this concept in obstetrics, it is customary to understand the process by which the fetal egg disconnects from the chorion. As a result, in this place there is damage to the vessels, and later in this space there is an accumulation of blood from which the hematoma (retrochorial) is formed.

This formation, increasing in size, leads to the fact that the existing insignificant, partial detachment of the fetal egg increases, which threatens the termination of pregnancy. Ultimately, if you do not provide the necessary assistance, there is complete rejection and death.

Because of what happens a complete detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages?

Determine specifically because of what happened this violation is quite difficult. In most cases, doctors talk about the following factors that lead to detachment:

What are the main signs of detachment of the fetal egg?

In order to timely respond to the possible development of violations, every woman, being in the position, should know how the detachment usually appears.

The first symptom is the pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Often they irradiate to the lumbar region and are accompanied by discharge of blood from the vagina. When the pregnant woman notices the appearance of brown discharge, as a rule, this indicates that the hematoma gradually begins to resolve, but at the same time, it is impossible to exclude completely the fact that there will not be a new tear in this place.

It is impossible to accurately determine this violation for blood secretions from the vaginal cavity alone. Therefore, the final diagnosis of doctors is made on the basis of the results of the ultrasound.

How is the treatment of detachment of the fetal egg?

It should be noted that with the appearance of the symptomatology described above, every pregnant woman should consult a doctor as soon as possible. If, after the diagnosis, it is established that the cause of the appearance of blood from the reproductive organs is an abruption, the woman is placed in a hospital.

The first thing the doctors are trying to do is to ensure the complete peace of the woman and limit her motor activity. It is very important that the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are in relaxed state.

In order to ensure the outflow of blood from the pelvic area, it is often advisable for women to put a roller under the ass.

The basis of therapeutic measures for such a violation are medicines. First and foremost, these are hemostatic (etamzilate), calming (valerian, spasmolytics (Papaverin), hormonal drugs (Utrozestan, Dyufaston) .All dosages of drugs are selected individually, taking into account the degree of disturbance.The duration of the therapeutic process on average is 14 days.