Dental implants

Dental implants are a full-fledged replacement for natural teeth, both functionally and with an aesthetic position. The purpose of implants is that they:

The quality dental implant does not differ in appearance and properties from the tooth given by the nature, and does not cause any discomfort in the mouth. Let's try to understand: how implant a dental implant, and what dental implants are better.

Indications and contraindications for the installation of dental implants

Indications for dental implants are:

Despite the fact that the installation of implants is a boon to the health and psychological state of a person, there are some contraindications to their use. Do not put dental implants with:

With cancer, it is not recommended to perform implantation during the course of course therapy and immediately after it.

Installation of dental implants

From a technical point of view, a dental implant is a screw that is installed directly into the bone tissue of the jaw. For the manufacture of implants, heavy-duty metal, titanium, is used. Products from this material are well established in the human body and endure many years of active operation. The type of dental implants is selected, first of all, taking into account the state of the patient's dental system. In general, the designs are divided into two groups:

Removable dentures are usually placed on the jaw, completely devoid of teeth. Recently, so-called dental mini-implants have gained increasing popularity, in which the intra-osseous part is much smaller, which makes it possible to install prostheses even with a deficit of bone tissue.

For a qualitative procedure, you should:

  1. To conduct a sanation of the oral cavity (extraction of teeth, resection of roots, sealing).
  2. If necessary, cure periodontitis (cleanse the teeth of deposits, eliminate foci of infection in the dentogingival pockets).
  3. Remove dentures and crowns that require replacement.

Surgical intervention for dental implantation is performed under both local and general anesthesia .

Dental implant service time

The term that will serve implants depends on a number of factors, namely:

On average, dental implants are 7-10 years without problems, but in some cases they successfully serve 15 years.

Of course, very important information about the age at which dental implants can be inserted, and to what age they can be installed.

Specialists do not recommend implantation until the end of growth and formation of jaw bones (up to 18-20 years). As for the upper limit of the age of implant placement, it can be said: it does not exist! Implant teeth can be in 70, and 80, and 90 years.