Games for teenagers 18 years old

Eighteen-year-old boys and girls, although they consider themselves old enough, actually remain in their souls as children. They just like the younger children like funny games and contests that help them to be liberated and have a good time in the company of their peers.

In this article, we bring to your attention some interesting games for teenagers of 18 years old, which will allow them to train their intellect and enjoy spending free time with pleasure.

Board games for boys and girls over 18 years of age

For teenagers from 18 years, both girls and boys, the following table games are suitable:

  1. "Activites for adults" is a popular table game all over the world that promotes the expansion of vocabulary, increasing the associative number and the development of savvy. The adult version differs from the children's appearance in it of "forbidden" themes, allocated to a separate "red" category.
  2. "Toad" - an interesting game with cubes and chips.
  3. "Men versus Women" is a great game for a fun company.
  4. "Mafia" is a well-known game, which is ideal for a fun pastime for a big teen company. In it everyone can feel like a mafia or a simple civilian, who is in serious danger.
  5. "Uno" is an incredibly popular card game today, with which teenagers all over the world are happy to play. Although the rules of "Uno" are quite simple, it is incredibly addictive, and, moreover, contributes to the development of savvy, quick reaction and ingenuity.

In addition, children 18 years and older may like other board games, for example:

Games for girls and boys over 18 years of age

When a company of teenagers is going to a birthday party for a young man or a girl, 18 years old, they may also need fun games to avoid getting bored. In this case, the following fun will do:

  1. Bulavochki. Among all participants one leader is chosen. All other players are blindfolded. The leader clings to each of the guys one or more pins, choosing places such as lapel sleeves, socks, lapels and so on. When everything is ready, the young men and girls, without opening their eyes, begin to look for pins on each other.
  2. "Aquarius". Each of the participants is given 2 glasses, one - empty, and the other - filled with any liquid. In addition, every teenager gets a straw for cocktails. The task of each player is to pour the liquid from a full glass into an empty glass, using only a straw for this.
  3. "Compliments." All players sit in a circle, observing the order "boy-girl". Then the first of the participants calls any part of the body of his neighbor and compliments her. After that, he must kiss the indicated place. Repeat the body parts previously used by other players, you can not!