Kvass from birch sap is good and bad

Birch juice is a drink with miraculous healing characteristics, which can be strengthened by preparing kvass from it. In due time in the most different countries the technology of its manufacture, and also such alcoholic drink, as wine has been introduced. Obtain kvas by fermentation, adding yeast and milk-acid bacteria to the juice. Then the drink is cooled, the precipitate is separated, sweetened with sugar and bottled. The benefits and harms of kvass from birch sap will be described in this article.

Benefits of kvass from birch sap

It is clear that such a drink will have almost the same qualities as pure juice, but the lactobacillus bacteria that enter it, as well as additional ingredients that often enrich kvas such as rose hips, oranges, honey, cranberries multiply its positive quality. A special benefit of classic kvass from birch sap can bring to people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. When it is used, the metabolism is restored, the acidity of the stomach decreases, gastritis and ulcer recede.

In addition, the drink has a good diuretic effect, helping to clean the kidneys, expel sand and even destroy small stones. Included in the composition vitamins and minerals have a general strengthening effect, increase immune defense, restore the intestinal microflora. He is drunk for weight loss, and is also used topically, to fight acne and acne. Delicious kvass from birch juice is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, and also for children, because it contains alcohol, albeit a very small amount. Suffering from flatulence, experts advise first to release gases, and then drink. Well, the most important thing is to choose only a natural product without the addition of chemical components.