Diseases of German Shepherds

German Shepherd is a hardy and strong animal. However, like all other breeds of dogs, this shepherd is susceptible to various diseases. The most common in these animals are disorders of the digestive tract, eye, ear and musculoskeletal disorders.

In a sick dog, wool is dull, drooping general appearance, a depressed condition. The dog constantly lies, does not respond to the call of the owner.

If your German shepherd often has abdominal distention, then you should choose high-quality pet food and do not overfeed it. With improper feeding, the presence of worms, some infectious diseases in the dog can cause gastritis. With prolonged abnormal operation of the stomach, the work of the intestine is also disrupted.

German Shepherd Dog - Diseases of the Skin

Diseases of the skin in a dog can be caused by bacteria, fungi and parasites.

The appearance of itching in a German shepherd in the absence of fleas can be a symptom of skin diseases such as pyoderma , pododermatitis, seborrhea, furunculosis. Sometimes dermatitis can occur as a concomitant disease against the background of lesions of the internal organs of the animal.

The German Shepherd is prone to such a disease as atopic allergy, which can occur in puppies at the age of one year. Dogs have itching, scratching and even wet eczema. Often against the background of such an allergy puppies suffer from diarrhea.

German Shepherd - Leg Diseases

Young German shepherds sometimes suffer a defeat of the humerus, accompanied by weak or even severe lameness. Another serious problem of German shepherds - paralysis of the hind legs, which often happens in six or seven-year-old males. First, the dog does not want to jump over obstacles, it's hard for her to walk on the steps. When the disease progresses, the tail is affected, and then the hind limbs, incontinence of urine and feces begins. If the disease is incurable, then the animal is euthanized.

With age, the German shepherd may have problems with the cardiovascular system, so dogs over seven years for prevention should regularly visit a veterinarian.