Akita Inu - character

One of the most ancient and important breeds in Japan is Akita Inu. This animal has been rising for many decades and attracts a great deal of attention: in its honor monuments are erected, books are written and songs are composed. The image of this wonderful dog is captured in the metro, in the middle of the streets and at the stops.

Akita - description of the breed and character

The name this breed received from the mountain province "Akita", located on the island of Honshu, the prefix "inu" in translation from the Japanese - a dog. These animals were the domestic favorites of the richest people, the emperors, the royal princes. This breed is one of the few that is considered "purebred". Before these dogs became elite, they were guards and hunters from ordinary peasants. This dog has a very good physique: strong, strong, muscular, with a short muzzle, which in some ways resembles a bear. From the nature it is high (67-74 cm) and is considered the largest of the Spitz.

The nature of the Akita Inu was formed for many hundreds of years: from hunting dogs and guards to bodyguards who understand the essence and nature of man. The behavior of these animals can not be called typical. Being puppies behave very playfully, and with age become wiser, more reserved and sincere. The breed of Akita dogs has a character, the features of which at first glance seem to be mutually exclusive: independence mixed with self-will and loyalty, strong attachment to the home and the owner, which are for them the most important in life. This breed of dogs does not need unnecessary attention or unnatural attitude towards it. She prefers equality with man and master, appreciates sincerity and care for her and does not accept a condescending attitude and attitude. A joint walk with akita can not be called a "dog walking" because she thinks you are a friend and expects you to have the same attitude. The Akita Inu is endowed with many positive qualities and has a balanced character. This is a very wise dog, which in any situation studies the situation and only then will proceed to action.

Negative qualities in this breed is almost none, if you do not take into account the excessive curiosity at an early age, which manifests itself in the "poking of the nose" into all the cracks in the house and every corner. When Akita grows up (in 2-2,5 years), it becomes restrained, very collected and independent. She may be your best friend or an entertainment assistant for children, whom she loves very much. Akita Inu is a sensitive, attentive, friendly and faithful dog .