How to clean the aquarium at home?

Undoubted decoration of the interior of any living space is the aquarium , especially if it just shines with purity. To know how to properly clean the aquarium, you need to take into account some recommendations.

Clear the aquarium - this means to get rid of the plaque on the walls, clean the bottom, soil , filter, release the aquarium plants from poked with fish leaves, excess algae and rot, change the water.

The content of the aquarium is, although small, but an ecosystem, so it is necessary to intervene very carefully. Cleaning should not be done more often than twice a week, because this is a kind of stress for the inhabitants of the aquarium. The number of cleanings depends on the size of the aquarium, the degree of its contamination, the number of living organisms contained in it, and the intensity of their vital activity.

To understand how best to clean the aquarium at home, you need to practice this procedure several times, and then the cleaning sequence and the convenience of using various devices will become clear.

Experienced aquarists advised to begin cleaning the aquarium from the walls, because they often accumulate the largest amount of waste from the life of fish and algae growth.

Cleaning the aquarium involves both cleaning the surfaces of plants, and replacing water. New water, which will be filled in the aquarium, should be prepared in advance. The water taken from the water pipe should be filtered out and not less than 2-3 days. It is advisable to make a partial replacement of water by 10-12% every week, gently pouring it on the walls, so they should always be clean.

Cleaning the walls of the aquarium

Before you begin to clean the walls of the aquarium, you should free them from overgrown algae. Live algae in the aquarium - environmentally safe, but growing, they fill the space and prevent free swimming of fish.

To clean the walls from algae, you should buy special scrapers, for example, magnetic - they do not scratch the glass walls. You can use an ordinary sponge, which was not used before, to use its hard side for cleaning.

Do not use to clean the glass aquarium household chemicals - this can be detrimental to the living organisms that live in it. Timely cleaning of the aquarium will prolong the life of its inhabitants.