What does God look like?

In general, people are divided into those who believe in the existence of the Higher Powers and those who do not. Since ancient times, there has been a belief in different gods. Even in the modern world, every religion calls and represents the Higher Powers in its own way. Mankind has always wondered what God looks like, because it is difficult to address someone without having a certain image. In principle, the descriptions offered by different sources are similar, and sometimes identical.

What does a real God look like?

In the Bible it is described that God created man in his image and likeness, on the basis of this, one can roughly outline his appearance. Since, from the other world, no one came back and during his lifetime he was not seen, all information is only an assumption. Different religions have their own image, but no one can say how many gods really are or it can just have different names for one. There is an opinion that this is only energy, which many call the Most High. It should be said about the images that come to people, for example, in a dream. Based on the descriptions, God is a man with a beard clothed in white robes.

Why can no one see God? To answer this question it is worth turning to the writings of the prophet Moses. In conversation with him, the Almighty said that no living person can see him and remain alive. God is the source of immense power and energy that no single living being can withstand.

What does God Zeus look like?

In Ancient Greece it was the main God. According to various drawings and descriptions, Zeus is like a man of large build with a big gray beard. Represent it with a shield and a double ax. In some cases in the hands of Zeus is lightning. In ancient times people believed that when there was thunder and lightning in the street, then Zeus was dissatisfied with something. People endowed him with the ability to share good and evil, and he also taught them what is shame and conscience. In general, Zeus was a punitive force, often associated with fate. Due to the fact that he was seated on Olympus, in some sources he is called Olympic.

What does God God look like?

This deity of Ancient Egypt is associated with the sun, so you can often find it in the form of a sun with wings. In some sources, the Mountain is represented in the image of a man with a falcon head. Almost always the ancient Egyptian God is drawn upright or on one knee. There is one more ancient image of Horus in the form of a falcon, it represents the stele of one of the pharaohs. Initially, people considered him a hunting god, who claws at the caught prey with his claws.

What does God Ra look like?

In the mythology of Ancient Egypt, Ra is the god of the Sun. Represent it with a falcon or a large cat. Some sources represent Ra in the form of a man with a falcon head, crowned with a solar disk. People regarded Ra as the father of the gods. Almost all the images in his hands have an unusual object - Ankh. He was the most important hieroglyph of Egypt and was called the key of life. In occasion of that, what exactly this object means, the arguments between scientists continue, and sow the day.

What does God Yahweh look like?

This is the deity of the Jewish people. Initially, Yahweh was portrayed as a lion, and after a while - a bull. Over time, this God began to be represented in the form of a man, but with some animal traits. People believed that Yahweh was not omnipresent and lived on Mount Sinai. At the end of time, a new description appeared, according to which Yahweh dwelt in the ark.

All existing descriptions are just representations, common images, but not fact. Everyone has the right to have his own opinion on how God looks exactly, it's only faith.