How to stretch your shoes?

It often happens that in the store you measure your shoes, and it seems that she sat on her leg. But, unfortunately, after the first "release" you understand that this is far from the case. Admiring the rubbed calluses, you begin to wonder: how to stretch the shoes so as not to damage its appearance and, in the end, to provide the feet with a comfortable state even when running for long distances.

First of all, you should know that you can stretch your shoes a maximum of one size. No folk and professional tools will help to stretch it more, so do not expect that after the stretching procedure, the shoes will grow up to a couple of sizes.

Sovetov how to stretch your shoes - a lot. Almost every acquaintance can advise how to stretch the narrow shoes at home. The only point that must be taken into account when stretching shoes is the kind of material from which it is made.

So how do you stretch your shoes in width or in an upswing, so that it remains as attractive as when you buy it, and deliver not suffering but walking pleasure?

For natural leather shoes, almost any stretch method is suitable. Here are the most common of them:

  1. Treatment with alcohol. Shoes from the inside are processed with alcohol or vodka (you can use alcohol-containing cologne, but it is undesirable, as it will have to remove the unpleasant smell ). The soaked shoes are worn on their feet, which were pre-dressed with dense xB socks, after which the top of the shoe is also treated with alcohol. Next, you need to walk around in the treated shoes until it dries.
  2. Processing with boiling water. Shoes from inside are scalded with boiling water, excess water merges. After the shoes have cooled sufficiently, she dresses on her feet with a dense cotton toe and rushes until it dries completely.
  3. Deep freeze. In the shoes or shoes are placed plastic bags filled with water. Next, the shoes are put in the freezer. The main thing is that the water in the bags filled the shoes as much as possible. After the water turns into ice, you need to gently get the shoes from the freezer and allow to melt the ice, then pull out the packs and repeat the final actions according to the first two options.

How to stretch suede and lacquer shoes?

Suede is a very delicate material, so when stretching and caring for suede shoes conventional methods that have been described above will not do. Lacquer coating of shoes also requires delicate stretching. Therefore, it will be most effective to use the means for stretching shoes sold in specialized stores. Typically, this spray or foam, which will need to process shoes from the inside, and vilify, after dressing terry socks, until completely dry. In no case should not handle suede and lacquer shoes outside - it will spoil its appearance.

How to stretch rubber, dermantinovuyu and rags shoes (shoes made of cloth)?

For stretching shoes from non-natural materials, the most suitable method is based on filling shoes with wet newspapers or rags, since rubber, dermantin and fabric are not afraid of moisture. Before filling shoes with damp paper for greater efficiency it is worthwhile to hold it over the steam for several minutes, then tightly stuff it with prepared material so that the shape of the shoe is not distorted. Further drying of shoes should take place in natural conditions in order to avoid its deformation.

For the convenience of stretching shoes at home, you can buy a special stretcher, which is a wooden shoe in shape and size of the foot. It can be used by inserting shoes into the treated shoes at night, if there is no possibility to be like yourself.