Donald Trump invited Salma Hayek to a romantic date?

At the weekend, Salma Hayek decided to share with the famous American TV host Trevor Noah, in the evening show of The Daily Show, the actress admitted that in the past, Donald Trump sought her attention and even invited a romantic date! The presenter ironically asked if Salma agreed to such a tempting offer from the billionaire and future US president.

A frame from the show with Salma Hayek and the presenter

Salma Hayek did not deny and even poured fire on this story, telling the details of those events! As it turned out, several years ago, she, together with her ex-lover, his name the actress categorically did not want to name, attended one of the social events.

The evening passed in a relaxed atmosphere, my companion and I stood on the street. It was already quite cool and we planned to leave the party, but suddenly I felt that someone had thrown a jacket over my shoulders. Alas, it was not my boyfriend, but ... Donald Trump, who approached us! He said to my smiling companion: "I saw that your lady was frozen!"

The story did not end there! Trump invited Salma Hayek and her ex-lover to accept the invitation and stay at one of his hotels in Atlantic City, and they exchanged telephones. What was to be expected, soon Trump called the actress and offered to meet:

When I received such an ambiguous invitation, I was confused and coquettishly asked: "What does my beloved say, you know that I'm not free!", To which the billionaire noticed that he is much better and more worthy of her attention! Of course, I was flattered by this proposal, but I refused and do not regret it!
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Salma Hayek and François-Henri Pinot

TV presenter Trevor Noah wanted another sensation and wanted to know the name of the ex-lover:

Salma, the mysterious ex-beloved became after all your husband or Donald Trump was right?

Hayek did not focus on the name, limiting that it was far in the past and the name does not matter. Moreover, she is now married to François-Henri Pinault and is happy!