Sexually Transmitted Infections

Only 5 diseases are classified as sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis, chancroid, gonorrhea, donovanosis and venereal lymphogranuloma. All these diseases are transmitted sexually, but we usually have only syphilis and gonorrhea .

Main sexual infections

But it is worth remembering what other infections are transmitted sexually, except venereal. There are a number of diseases that are transmitted through sexual contacts, but do not belong to sexually transmitted diseases, although they cause diseases of the genitourinary system: chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis.

But, in addition to the infections that are caused by various microorganisms, those that are caused by viruses also belong to sexual infections. These include HIV infection , papilloma virus, herpes, hepatitis B, genital warts, contagious mollusk, cytomegalovirus and Kaposi's sarcoma virus. Sex infections in women can be caused by protozoa, including trichomoniasis. To fungal genital infections include candidiasis, or thrush. There are also parasitic sexual infections - scabies caused by itch mite, and pubic pediculosis, which is caused by pubic lice.

Sexual infections in women - symptoms

Living a sex life, it is important not just to know what kind of sexual infections there are, but also how these sexual infections manifest themselves. The incubation period of sexual infections will be different and depends on the type of infection, as well as their symptoms. Since infection occurs during sexual intercourse, all these diseases will have symptoms of inflammation at the entrance gate of the infection: vaginitis, colpitis, urethritis, proctitis, and as complications - endometritis, salpingoophoritis and infertility. But all female sexual infections will have characteristic differences, inherent only to them. For example, with solid chancroid of syphilis, solid non-painful manifestations with increasing regional lymph nodes are formed, with mild chancre, painful manifestations.

With genital infections, there will often be secretions, and if they are purulent and abundant in gonorrhea, cause itching and swelling of the skin and mucous membranes, then with trichomoniasis they are frothy, yellowish, and when candidiasis resemble cottage cheese and cause itching. Mikolazmoz, chlamydia and ureaplasmosis can often be asymptomatic, usually chronic sexual infections, and may also be asymptomatic.

Viral hepatitis B and HIV infection do not have local symptoms at the entrance gate, but cause damage to other organs or systems - the liver or the immune system. Scabies and pubic pediculosis do not cause inflammation of the mucosa, parasites affect only the skin around them, causing itching and irritation. Many viral infections can not only cause inflammation, but also cause cancer of the genital tract. Also, viral and bacterial sexual infections during pregnancy often cause impaired development of the fetus and its death.

Diagnosis of sexual infections

In addition to the clinical picture of the disease, the doctor uses a test for sexual infections to confirm the diagnosis. The main and fairly simple examination is the smear microscopy. If necessary, appoint more complex examinations:

Treatment of sexually transmitted infections

After identifying the pathogen that caused the disease, the appropriate treatment is prescribed:

Additionally, local treatment of diseases is prescribed, general restorative therapy, and treatment is prescribed for all sexual partners who are infected with the infection. But it is worth remembering that the prevention of sexual infections is simple, while treatment is not always effective.