What is folic acid for?

Talking about what folic acid is needed for, first of all, it should be said in which products it is contained. Most of this substance is found in leafy vegetables, including mashed salad, spinach, watercress, dill, chicory, broccoli, carrots and asparagus. Many women are wondering whether to drink folic acid, especially if they are planning a pregnancy. Yes, indeed, in this period of life this vitamin is irreplaceable, but more detailed.

Why do I need folic acid?

If we consider the question of why folic acid is necessary for pregnant women, it should be noted its usefulness for the development of cells of the embryo and its bone tissue. Starting the intake of vitamin B 9, you contribute to the proper development of pregnancy, contributing to the proper development of the fetus. Therefore, the question of whether folic acid is needed in the planning of pregnancy, the answer is unequivocal, yes it is needed. In addition, folic acid helps maintain such processes:

  1. Health of the nervous system, increases the ability to combat stress, an aggressive social environment and various external pathogens.
  2. Speaking about the purpose of taking folic acid , we should note its ability to protect the immune system from various inflammations, infections and viral diseases.
  3. As already mentioned earlier, this substance is indispensable for bearing a healthy baby.
  4. Regular intake of folic acid helps improve blood circulation, it can reduce the likelihood of thrombosis, various diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.
  5. Acid intake helps prevent a disease such as anemia.
  6. For this, you need to drink folic acid yet, to reduce the speed of baldness and strengthen hair.
  7. With its help, you can get rid of the formed pigment spots, it is needed to preserve youth, slows the process of wrinkles.
  8. At the onset of pregnancy reduces the risk of early miscarriage.
  9. Improves memory status.
  10. Promotes normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

For women, the intake of vitamin B9 contributes to the production of a sufficient volume of red blood cells. Due to the intake of folic acid in the body, the transfer of oxygen to all human organs is carried out in the required amount. As a result, there is a lack of irritability, fatigue, dizziness and a good mood. For women's beauty, this product helps to accelerate the growth of nails and hair, rapid renewal of the skin, improves its ability to combat the negative effects of ultraviolet rays that promote rapid aging.

For women after 45 years, folic acid is required to provide hormonal adjustment without stress at the onset of menopause and to reduce its common symptoms. Women after 45 years of age face hormonal changes that affect the general condition of hair and skin. It is vitamin B9 that helps control this process, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, regular intake of this vitamin helps slow the onset of menopause.

If we talk about what this vitamin should be consumed for women after 45 years, then first of all it should be said that it can help weaken the symptoms of menopause in the future: changes in mood, hot flashes, problems with pressure and the rest. Just at such a period of time, the woman's body begins to gradually rebuild, and the course of further symptoms directly depends on the training.

Where to find folic acid?