Superstitions in Pregnancy

The word "superstition" means useless, meaningless faith. Belief in something that does not have a real meaning. There is nothing good in this. Silly superstitions sometimes cause the very real suffering of a woman waiting for the birth of a baby. "Keeper" of folk wisdom can greatly frighten a person who, due to hormonal changes in the body, is already in a nerve. And tantrums do not benefit either mom or baby.

Why do superstitions arise during pregnancy?

The answer is obvious. Like all superstitions in general, they grow out of fear. In this case - for fear of losing such a loved and desired child. All superstitions about pregnancy inspire: you will do this and that and that - the child will be ill. And how do you decide to go against superstition? And suddenly it's true, and you will harm your own baby? There is no smoke without fire!

Signs and superstitions during pregnancy

That superstition, which has the most real basis, concerns the cat. Pregnant should not touch the cat. The reasons for the appearance of a sign are understandable. The cat was considered an uneasy animal, connected with the house (the housewoman on it went - hence the custom to let a cat into the new house first). Kikimora often saw people in the form of a huge cat. Of course, it is dangerous to touch this, according to the ancient man.

And, according to the modern doctor, you need to be careful with cats. They tolerate diseases that are of no use to the pregnant. Especially it is necessary to avoid touching the cat's toilet: there may be pathogens of toxoplasmosis, and this disease is extremely dangerous for the fetus. Care for a cat is best left to other family members.

You can not raise your hands. Allegedly, the baby will turn from this, and the umbilical cord will wrap around the neck.

But doctors do not agree with this. The baby does not turn over from lifting hands, but from an uncomfortable position, in which the pregnant woman is long. So if you raise and lower your hands, nothing will definitely happen.

You can not buy something for the baby in advance. In general, it is not clear where such superstition comes from! After all, very rarely they sewed something for a specific baby - they used the rest from older children. Linen diapers have not been done for decades.

Of course, this is superstition, and there is no scientific basis under it. If very scary, you can go to church and take this blessing.

So we can say with certainty: superstitions during pregnancy, as at other times, are harmful. They disturb the young mother and distract her from the main thing: the joy that she is carrying a new life under her heart.