Drawing on cloth

Every person strives, one way or another, to express his individuality. For women, fashion clothing is one of the most habitual and effective ways of self-expression. Fabrics with drawings are popular not the first century, and modern women of fashion modernize and increasingly develop this direction.

Types of patterns on fabric

It should be noted right away that the drawing can be machine-made or hand-made. The latter option, as a rule, is more expensive if you order it from professional masters or artists.

  1. Printed on fabric - came to Europe from India. Previously it was produced exclusively by hand. In the 18th century it was refined, and now represents a mechanical seal with the help of copper engraved boards or cylindrical shafts. Printed pattern on the fabric can be done on their own, but the procedure is quite energy-consuming and difficult. It will require a wooden board with a pattern cut out on it. The figure itself must be convex. After preparing the heel, a roller is applied to it with a roller. Next, the procedure resembles an ordinary print application. The method is not bad, however, the dyes for this application are usually unstable - they are afraid of ultraviolet rays and strongly moult when washing.
  2. Drawing on the fabric by embroidery . This decoration of the material is very close to the Slavs. Once embroidery served not just a pattern, it was a guardian. The figure consisted of security symbols designed to draw good luck, protect against evil, increase strength and much more. Such ornaments were applied only with thread - silk or cotton. Today embroidery is actively decorated with beads - this creates a more voluminous and vivid picture. In the stores of fittings and fabrics, you can find special schemes, as well as pick up the necessary materials.
  3. Drawing paints on the fabric . This method is available today to anyone who is able to keep a brush in their hands. The pattern is applied with acrylic paints. Their main advantage is resistance to aggressive conditions. They perfectly tolerate washing, do not crumble and do not frown, do not burn out in the sun. All that is necessary to obtain such a reception of such stylish drawings on clothes:

Finally, it is worth noting that a fabric with a large pattern will suit girls of medium complexity, as in slim women it unduly emphasizes fragility, and ladies in the body - visually increase. Fabrics with a small pattern in clothing require more attention to cut and style, otherwise the thing will look simple and not interesting.