Hypotensive drugs

In the world, there are almost 1 billion people suffering from high blood pressure. It can be both an independent disease (primary hypertension), and manifestation of the pathology of an organ (secondary hypertension).

Causes of hypertension

The following diseases can provoke an increased blood pressure:

The causes for the emergence of hypertension can serve as such factors:

As a rule, pressure above 140/70 mm Hg is considered to be elevated. To reduce it there are a number of antihypertensive drugs.

Classification of antihypertensive drugs

All antihypertensive drugs are divided into four categories.


These are agents that alter the activity of the nervous system. These include drugs:

In addition, this category includes ganglion blockers, alpha-adrenoreceptor blockers and beta-adrenoreceptor blockers. The effect of these drugs is aimed at reducing the activity of cardiac emissions and vascular tonus, which contributes to lowering blood pressure. They are used for emergency pressure reduction in hypertensive crises and injected intravenously for 5-6 minutes.


Means, mainly peripheral action, aimed at vasodilation. It:

Such agents are used in cases of severe heart failure with high blood pressure.


These funds are prescribed to purify the body of salts and water by means of the kidneys. With a reduction in edema caused by increased blood pressure as a result of problems with the cardiovascular system, the burden on the heart decreases. They, in turn, are divided into three groups:

These drugs can be used in complex treatment aimed at lowering the pressure.

Combined antihypertensive drugs

Such drugs affect the renin-angiotensin system. These include:

Preparations of new generation

Hypotensive drugs of a new generation are combined preparations of prolonged action. They combine medicines from different groups in one tablet. Such medications are taken once a day and are carried much more easily than short-term drugs, which are shown when emergency care is provided with increasing pressure. The list of antihypertensive drugs of the new generation was replenished with the drug Moxonidine (physiotherosis). This drug is not inferior to most of the time-tested predecessors, but it has less side effects and is well tolerated by the body without causing addiction.

Also, one more new generation drug is undergoing clinical trials - Aliskiren - an inhibitor of renin, a hormone regulating the exchange of fluids and electrolytes in the body.

With the right treatment appointed by a specialist, it is not superfluous to adhere to certain rules in everyday life:

  1. To live an active lifestyle.
  2. Move more.
  3. Reduce consumption of salt and fast food.
  4. Add to your diet fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits.

Very useful to use:

It must be remembered that taking care of health should bring pleasure and become the norm of life.