Identity and corporate identity creation

The indicator of the solidity of the organization is not only high quality products, but also design in a uniform style of documents, names and even badges of employees. This is a testament to the professionalism of the team and a high level of recognition. This corporate style was called "identity", in English it's "identity."

What is an "identity"?

Identity is the creation of special images that are consistent with the company's strategy and ideas, improving the reputation and status of the brand. The concept of this term includes several aspects:

  1. Recognition system.
  2. A set of special techniques in the technical and artistic design that create the original image.
  3. The visual basis of business.
  4. A set of lines, shapes and symbols that are in a single coherent texture.

Its main goal is to distinguish the company from the general list due to bright images, which will ensure the recognition of the trademark. A very important role is played by the design of the identity - the original nuances of the picture, the form and the way the brand is expressed. Components:

  1. Logo - painted sign.
  2. Corporate identity is a visual image.
  3. Brandbook - management of work with this style.

What is the "corporate identity of the identity"?

Corporate identity creates a single visual series, which immediately correlates with the right company, a typical example is the apple for Apple. The term "corporate" means a large multi-faceted object that gives superiority to accommodation, from among the trading and industrial partners of the present society. Often this concept is perceived as a set of visual and verbal unchanging concepts that provide a general view of the perception of the brand, its products and services.

In addition to the main components, the corporate identity also includes additional corporate aspects that distinguish the company from the general series:

Identity and corporate identity - what's the difference?

Many people refer to identity as a synonym for corporate identity, but this is not so. The concept of "identity" is much broader, it is a reflection of the vision, values ​​and goals of the company in one image. The basis for this image is the way an enterprise sees its business. The identity of the corporate identity is developed in a complex, taking into account not only the specifics of the company, but also the compatibility of the color scale.

What is the difference between an identity and a corporate identity? Corporate identity is the visual envelope of identity, its embodiment in practice. The logo is an example of identity, and the rules for applying it to the form and documentation are already corporate style. It is presented in the document - brand book, which is developed in parallel with the logo and other components: breadboard souvenirs, color aspects.

Identity and branding

Many people also confuse the notion of branding and identity, although they differ significantly:

  1. Branding - the image of the company, the opinion of consumers about the company, the process of forming this image.
  2. Identity is a set of tools that form an image: stylistics, shapes, color.

The company identity tries to distinguish the brand among others so that people can instantly recognize the company by the logo. It is based on a document called a "guideline", which sets out the options for using brand attributes on advertising media. Examples of successful and unsuccessful use of identity are given so that in future designers can learn from positive and negative points.

Identity development

Development of identity is a difficult task, this is done by specially created companies. A brand is a name, an explanation of what the company does, the slogan and the distinctive concept. The brand identity is to ensure that all components are harmonious and work for one idea. There are several rules that are worth knowing to those who make such an order:

  1. The image should be created taking into account the specificity of the products.
  2. The logo and corporate colors should support the idea of ​​business , be memorable.
  3. All materials are made in a single visual style.
  4. The image should be associated with the name of the company in the perception of consumers.

Identity - books

Creation of identity is a task for professionals, but they can master this work and single companies that are not able to pay for a large-scale project. To help such specialists published books that have already proved the value of advice in practice:

  1. Pavel Rodkin. "Identity. Corporate Identity.
  2. "Font in the Identity." Maria Kumova.
  3. Sergey Serov. "Graphics of the modern sign."
  4. Benoit Elbrunn. "Logo".