How to bathe a newborn baby for the first time?

Young parents surround the crumb with care. Mom know how important the development and health of the baby is performing a number of hygiene procedures. A lot of excitement causes future parents to exercise the bathing baby, because the child is so fragile. Therefore, it is necessary to know in advance how to bathe the newborn child at home for the first time. This will allow you to purchase everything you need for the procedure in advance, and also more easily carry out the very manipulation.

What should I buy?

To the process brought pleasure to both parents and children, it is necessary to prepare in advance those items that will make the procedure comfortable:

You also need to prepare a separate scoop with warm water before each bath. It is needed for rinsing the crumbs.

How correctly to bathe the newborn for the first time?

This procedure should be done daily at the same time. But only on condition that the baby is healthy. Most often parents choose for this process the evening time before the last feeding. But day time is also suitable for bathing.

The first time the whole process should take no more than 7 minutes. In the future, time must be increased. The temperature of the air in the room where the procedure is planned to be carried out should not be below 24 ° C.

Before you bathe your newborn baby for the first time, you need to remember to measure the temperature of the water. It is optimal if it is about 37 ° C. While the baby has not healed the umbilical wound, it is better to fill the bath with boiled water.

The stripped baby should be taken in such a way that the head lies on the wrist, and the fingers of the same hand hold the crumb near the armpit. The other hand should support the legs. The upper third of the chest should be above the surface of the water. The hand that supports the legs can be removed after the baby is immersed in the bath. But you need to remember the need to reliably support the head crumbs. First you need to gently wash your face. Next, you can gently hold the baby from one side of the bath to another. Usually crumbs like it and they even try to push their feet off the sides themselves. To wash the baby is advised from the neck to the heels. Be sure to pay attention to the palms and fingers. You can not rub a newborn baby washcloth. Just rinse it with your hand. It is also not recommended to use soap or gel for the first time. In the end, you should rinse the baby with clean water, wrap it in a diaper. If necessary, you can use skin care products.

Those mothers who have a son, are interested in how to properly bathe a newborn boy for the first time, whether there are any features of the procedure. In this case, you need to remember about the need to care for the genitals. During bathing, attention should be paid to the genitals of the baby. We must thoroughly wash the penis, slightly pulling out the foreskin. But it is absolutely unacceptable to use force, as this can lead to inflammation.

Those happy parents, who have a daughter in the family, also ask how to bathe the newborn girl for the first time. It is important to know that the baby must be washed before putting it in the bath. The girl's genitals should be washed exclusively in the direction of the anus.

According to the signs about how to bathe the newborn for the first time, so that the lactating mother does not have problems with lactation, a little breast milk should be added to the bath.