Epilation cream

Today, hair removal is much more popular than depilation, because after destroying hair bulbs, women remove hair for a longer period. This is a painful procedure, and to get a smooth and delicate skin, without experiencing severe pain, it is necessary to use a cream for hair removal.

Anesthetic Cream

Before any kind of epilation (electro, bio, photo, laser and even the usual, performed with the help of a depilator ) it is necessary to smear the hair removal zone with a special cream. So, the skin will lose sensitivity and you or your master will quietly hold the procedure.

There is a huge amount of effective anesthetic cream for epilation. The best of them are:

  1. Light dep is a combined anesthetic epilation cream used for local skin anesthesia. They treat the skin 1 hour before the cosmetic procedure. This drug affects only the epidermis, which means that only the major part (approximately 90%) of the receptors responsible for the appearance of pain is blocked. Light dep does not cause irritation or allergic reactions of the body.
  2. Emla (5%) - this cream for anesthesia during epilation is applied a thin layer on the area where the hairs will be removed 1 hour before the procedure, and then the food film is applied from above. Do not rub emla. You should not use such a drug if there are skin integrity disorders where you need to apply the cream, for example, scratches, dermatitis or herpes.
  3. Deep Numb - this cream is most often used for epilation of the bikini zone , since its active substance (lidocaine) effectively fights with pain even in the hypersensitive areas. Apply it right before the procedure, but you can not use Deep Numb to women with liver and kidney disease.

Cream after hair removal

In addition, it is necessary to apply the cream before epilation, after removing the hair, the skin needs to be soothed with the help of special means. For example, Floresan or Cloran would do this. You can choose any cream after epilation, the main thing is that it contains a phytosqualane that helps to quickly moisturize, soften and soothe irritated skin, and also sorbain, which effectively slows hair growth without blocking the cycle of their growth.

If after moistening, there is still a strong irritation, then experimenting, applying various creams, it is not necessary, it is better to try another kind of epilation.