The pulse rate in women

The pulse is usually called the number of strokes that the heart makes in one minute. When the heart pushes blood into the arteries, the walls of the vessels fluctuate, and these tremors can be felt (on the wrist or on the neck) and thus determine the heart rate. This indicator may vary depending on sex, age, physical activity, general condition of the body, emotional state, weather and even the time of day. In women, the change in the normal pulse rate is affected in addition to all menstruation and pregnancy.

What is the normal pulse of women?

In medicine, for a healthy average person, the values ​​from 60 to 80 beats per minute are considered normal. In women, these indicators are usually somewhat higher and are 70-80 beats per minute. This is due to the physique, since the smaller the heart, the more often it must fight to distil the necessary volume of blood, and in women it is usually less than that of men, therefore, they have a pulse more often.

To a large extent, the physical form affects the pulse rate. The better the form of a person, the less his heart rate. So, women who lead an active, healthy lifestyle and regularly sporting a pulse of 60-65 strokes will not be a deviation from the norm.

Also on the pulse rate affects the age. So in women under the age of 40, the average pulse value is 72-75 beats per minute. With age, under the influence of external factors and the general state of the body, the pulse rate may increase. So in women over 50, the pulse of 80-85 beats per minute can be the norm.

However, a pulse reduction of up to 50 beats per minute or an excess of 90 beats per minute at rest is already a deviation and indicates possible diseases of the cardiovascular or endocrine system.

What is the norm of the pulse in women with physical activity?

The increase in the pulse during exercise is absolutely normal. In this case, the pulse can increase up to 120-140 strokes in a trained person and up to 160 or more beats per minute - a person in poor physical condition. After the termination of the load, the pulse should return to normal in about 10 minutes.

However, since the normal pulse for each person is individual and may differ to some extent, the Carvonen formula is very popular for calculating the maximum permissible heart rate for exercise. This formula is applied in three forms:

  1. Simple: 220 minus the age.
  2. Gender. For men, the maximum frequency is calculated in the same way as in the first case for women: 220 minus age minus 6.
  3. Complicated: 220 minus age minus pulse at rest.

Most often, the first version of the formula is used.

Normal pulse in pregnant women

Pregnancy is the factor that significantly affects the normal heart rate in women. During this period, women the so-called tachycardia of pregnant women develops, which is expressed in the acceleration of the heartbeat to 100-110 beats per minute. To the usual tachycardia , which is a cardiovascular disease, this phenomenon has nothing to do. The rapidity of the pulse in pregnant women is due to the fact that the heart is forced to pump more actively blood to provide oxygen to not only the mother, but also the future child, as well as hormonal changes in the body at that time. The pulse in women returns to the norm within a month after delivery.

However, if the heart rate exceeds 110 beats per minute, this should already be a cause for concern and requires medical advice.