
Everyone, sometimes without noticing it, shows his inner emotional state to others. If you know how to see inner emotions, the attitude of a person to someone or something, you can be congratulated, since you can read nonverbal language.

Pantomimics is one of the types of expressive movements of every person. It manifests itself in the gestures, gait, and posture of a person. Thanks to this, his psychological state, mood, experience, etc. are transferred. Changes in pantomime arise unconsciously. The most informative means of pantomimics are gestures, facial expressions.

Mimicry and pantomime is a group of expressive movements of the muscles of the eyes, body, face of a person. They are the result of the mental state of each person. It is a universal language for communication, which is understandable to foreigners, children, and animals. Mimicry and pantomime represent an external manifestation of inner sensations (it can be fright, pain, pleasure, etc.). With their help, complex intellectual processes are also expressed. Mimic-pantomimic features may depend on the factors that shape and affect muscle tone, movement. The formation of mimic expressiveness is also influenced by the internal state of the cellulose, which is under the skin and skin integument.

In a child, non-verbal means of communication are more clearly manifested than in an adult and pantomime is the most expressive. But during the growth of a person and his upbringing, the mimic range is greatly expanded and the amount of conscious control of mimic reactions increases.

Somatic factors influence the development of mimic expressiveness. For example, when a person has to starve, not only the characteristics of his muscles and skin change, but also the general expression of any mimic manifestations.

It is worth noting that the gestures of facial expressions and pantomime are a combination of expressive human movements, through which one can understand the intentions of a person's condition.

Functions of pantomime

Gestures serve to clarify verbal communication. They are divided into indicative, explanatory, illustrative, highlighting and expressive, which show the emotional state of a person. Thus, some types of gestures throughout the development of historical and social practice have acquired a generalized symbolic communication. Actors, dancers and speakers devote the greatest amount of their professional activity to the development of gestures.

The development of mimicry and pantomime helps to develop your memory and relieve tension in the speech motor apparatus. For children, this is useful because it instills in them a willful conscious self-regulation. Also, when doing a set of specific exercises, you will learn to control your emotions and control their mimicry, which is very important for business people, speakers, etc. There is no doubt that these skills will have a positive impact on your future. Develop facial expressions and pantomime can be and while at home.

There are a number of complex exercises. They need to devote only a couple of hours every day.

Pantomimics is a whole art, so we will give examples of just a few pantomime movements:

  1. Gesture of openness. Open arms, unbuttoned jacket - these gestures indicate the good-natured disposition of the interlocutor to you, about his openness.
  2. Gestures of stealth. Machine rubbing your forehead, chin, while looking away, talking about the desire of your interlocutor to hide something from you, he doubts your rightness.
  3. Gestures of protection. Crossing of arms, crossed hands brushing the shoulders is a sign that the interlocutor sees in this situation a threat, a danger, he is negative towards you.

So, the art of pantomime is a very multifaceted set of movements, understanding which, you can find common points of contact with any person.