
In psychology, by purposefulness is understood the ability of a person to remember his plans, clearly formulate goals, be able to overcome difficulties, not give up and by all means achieve the desired results.

As they say, dreaming is not harmful. However, each person should understand that neither money nor other material benefits from the sky do not fall. We have to count only on our own strengths and, of course, act.

The problem of dedication directly reflects the success of our work. More about this we'll talk further.

A test of commitment

Find out how you are a single-minded person will help the method of five questions. There is nothing difficult in passing this test. From the suggested three answers, select one. Answer all questions and find out your result.

1. To achieve your goal, you:

2. Imagine that on the last day before your vacation the boss instructs you to do a very responsible job. What will you do:

3. You have planned a vacation with your friends, but at the last minute, one of them does not manage to go. What will you do:

4. Do you agree with the statement: "It is better to depend on another person, than to make others dependent"?

5. If you do not have enough money to buy a very expensive and necessary thing to you, you:

The key to the test

If you get more "a" answers, then you can be called a very strong and strong-willed person. You go to the goal and reach it by any methods. Hardness of character and independence ensure your success.

If there are more "b" answers. Very often you sacrifice your desires in the name of others. You can achieve what you want, if you do not quickly give up and fall under someone else's influence. Do not change your goals and do not abandon them.

If there are more answers "in". You are a person "floating down the stream." Do not like to plan and never held a diary. Most likely you are satisfied with everything. You do not set a goal - it's not your thing.

How to develop commitment?

To begin with, help yourself to understand that in this life you really want something. What are your dreams? How do you want to live for 10-15 years? Write your wishes on paper. Do not burn them to the chiming clock on New Year's Eve, without anything you will not be able to fetch anything. After you write down your dreams, designate the tasks. What you need to do to achieve the result. Give an approximate time frame. Only with this approach your dreams will turn into concrete goals and you will already know in which direction to act.

Now the most important thing is not to sit idly by. Achieve at least small results. Small achievements will motivate you to the possibility of further success. Praise yourself for the work done.

Try to adhere to the set deadlines and do not give yourself any indulgence.

The development of purposefulness consists in working on one's own willpower. Do not give up before failure, do not be afraid of difficulties and do not look for easy ways. Train yourself and your thinking.

Purposefulness presupposes responsibility. This is how you should treat yourself and your life.