Homemade cheese from milk

In the store you can always buy ready-made cheese. In addition, this product is presented in a huge range, you can choose for every taste. But, as everyone knows, with the product of home production, no single store goods can compete. Homemade will always taste better. Now we will tell you how to make home-made cheese from milk.

Recipe for homemade cheese from milk



Milk is boiled with the addition of salt. In the meantime, we beat eggs, do not try hard here, it's important to simply stir until uniform. After the boil of milk, reduce fire, pour in the egg mass, mix and add sour cream. It is impossible to stop at the same time. Approximately minutes through 5 will begin to form curdled clots, and between them serum. Now all this is thrown to a colander lined with gauze, curled into 3-4 layers. Leave to liquid glass. Finally put the press - it is convenient to put an ordinary flat plate, and on it will put a bottle of water. We wait until the cheese cools down, and then we clean it in the refrigerator. If you cooked in the evening, then by morning the house cheese from milk will be ready!

Solid homemade cheese from milk



Cottage cheese we rub to remove large lumps. Milk is poured into a saucepan (preferably using aluminum) and put on fire. As soon as the first bulbs begin to appear, we put cottage cheese into it. The fire must be small. We bring the mass to a boil, stirring constantly. We boil for about one and a half minutes. Now we put a colander over the other empty pan, cover it with gauze, which was previously folded in 2 times. Throw the curd mass in a colander, let the serum drain. This will take about 5 minutes. The resulting curd mass is laid out in a cast-iron kazanok, we add eggs, softened butter, soda, salt and pepper (it is better if it is freshly ground). We knead it all down to a homogeneous state. We put on the fire (it should be slightly more than the minimum) and constantly interfere. It is most convenient to do this with a wooden spatula. Once the mass falls behind the stenochek, the cheese is ready! This takes about 6-7 minutes. We throw the cheese on a greased food film, wrap it, giving it the right shape. Once the cheese has cooled down, we remove it in the refrigerator. The next day it will be ready for use. About 650-700 g of cheese comes from such quantity of products. It can be wrapped in a clean cloth and stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Homemade cheese from sour milk in a multivariate



Sour milk, salt and eggs. We put the mass in the capacity of the multivarker, select the "Baking" mode on the device and the time - 20 minutes. This is necessary to separate the serum. When the process is completed, the resulting curd mass is thrown back to the colander. When the serum practically stops dripping, place a plate and a container of water on top. Thus, the liquid still leaves the press. The resulting cheese is placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After that, the homemade cheese from sour milk is completely ready for consumption.

Home Adyghe cheese from milk



Kefir is placed in a saucepan and warmed until the mass is divided into whey and cottage cheese. Throw the mass in a colander. The resulting serum is left at room temperature for 2 days, so that it is prokisla. After this, the milk is boiled, pour in the serum and leave the min. 10 minutes on minimum fire. After this time, cheese forms on the surface. Separate it from whey, add salt and mix well. We put the cheese mass under the press and leave the clock at 12. Now the home-made Adyghe cheese is ready!