Fashion model Marilyn Carro

Before participating in the 14th season of the show "Battle of the Psychics", the red-haired beauty Marilyn Carro worked for a long time as a model in Tallinn. The girl could continue to develop successfully in this profession, because her pictures showed high skill and excellent possession of her body and face.

Biography Marilyn Carro

Marilyn was born on September 18, 1988 in the town of Rakvere in Estonia. Parental love, she did not know, because the family was waiting for the boy and the birth of a girl all a little disappointed. However, the girl approached her aunt, who gave her the first skills of communication with the world of otherworldly forces.

As a child, Marilyn survived a lightning strike, which opened her extrasensory abilities. After that, she began to actively engage in occult practices, perform rituals, the girl suffered and the magic of voodoo - one of the darkest and scariest on earth.

Extraordinary insight and extrasensory abilities allowed Marilyn to easily pass qualifying rounds at the show "Battle of Psychics-14 and 16" and take second place in the finals. Now Marilyn Kerro is actively developing in the field of witchcraft and magic, the girl has a website, she conducts seminars and personal meetings, helps in solving vital issues.

Model Career Marilyn Carro

Although the girl grew up rather closed, this did not prevent her in her youth to make a fairly successful model career in Tallinn. There are a lot of photo sessions with Marilyn Carro. At that time, the girl in the desire to become a model was strongly supported by her mother, as she hoped that it would distract the young beauty from practicing magic, communicating with the dead, and also help liberate her and make her more sociable.

However, the girl could not avoid the traps that the model business has. For 6 years, the Marilyn Carro model had to undergo treatment first from anorexia, and then from a more dangerous eating disorder - bulimia. Photo by Marilyn Carro demonstrates to us a fragile and elegant girl with a few sad eyes.

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Now the witch also quite often falls into the camera lenses. For example, Marilyn Kerro and her current young man Alexander Sheps not so long ago participated in a joint photo shoot.