Macropen - analogues

Often in the treatment of antibiotics have to change the drug due to intolerance of its components. It is rare to replace Macropen - analogues of this antibacterial agent, which coincide with it in composition and mechanism of action, are practically absent. Therefore, instead of this medication, you usually have to take generics.

To which group of antibiotics does Macropen belong?

This drug belongs to macrolides. This group of antibiotics is noteworthy in that it has a natural origin and the lowest toxicity. Macrolides are considered one of the safest antimicrobial agents, since they do not provoke most of the known side effects arising from the treatment with other antibacterial medicines (allergic syndrome, anaphylactic shock, arthro- and chondropathy, diarrhea). In addition, the type of chemical compounds in question does not affect the central nervous system, does not show nephro- and hematotoxicity.

Direct analogs of the drug Macropen

Completely coincide with the presented drug in the composition and mode of action of only 2 drugs:

The active substance is midekamycin, at a concentration of 400 mg per tablet.

Another pharmaceutical form of release is granules, which are intended for the production of a liquid suspension. In them, the amount of midekamycin is 175 mg.

It is worth noting that both medicines are almost impossible to find in pharmacy chains.

What can replace the Macropen?

To find a high-grade synonym or generic, you need to look for it in the same group - macrolide antibiotics. They are classified according to the chemical structure and origin (natural and semi-synthetic).

To the first generation of macrolides of natural type are oleandomycin and erythromycin, as well as all their derivatives. Semisynthetic antibiotics of this series:

The second generation of natural antimicrobial agents with a more perfect molecular structure includes the following substances:

Semisynthetic species is represented only by roquitamycin.

Separate attention deserves azithromycin - an unnatural macrolide with a chemical structure, located in the interval between 1 and 2 generations. It forms a group of so-called azalides, to which pathogenic microorganisms produce almost no resistance.

Analogues are cheaper than Macrofen

It should be noted that all the generics of the described drug have a lower price.

Experts recommend the following medicines (synonyms) as a relatively full replacement for Macropen:

As can be seen from the list, most Macropen generics are based on azithromycin. Despite the fact that this chemical is not natural and has a slightly different molecular structure, it is most closely related to the drug under consideration.