Vegetarianism - "for" and "against"

We will not dissemble and say directly - 90% of all diseases occur due to improper diet. And it's not just about the diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, urinary tracts, which are related to food and its processing directly. The lion's share of the existing diseases of mankind could be treated by a balanced diet. But ... We are so used to our "traditional" diet, to which we were put up from childhood, that it seems better to die than to eat differently.

Only courageous people step on this last step. Whether it is useful, whether vegetarianism is harmful is a controversial issue, but the fact that a radical change in the established diet is an act, we will not argue.

Vegetarians' arguments

It seems that the statements "for" and "against" vegetarianism will never abate, because people, each with its own character and taste, assess this diet not objectively, but from "its belltower."

Vegetarians, of course, give dozens of arguments ...

The first argument for vegetarianism is the possibility of no one. Exactly. Many vegetarians are convinced that if the "meat-eaters" had once been to the slaughterhouse, they would no longer be able to eat a single gram of meat in this life.

Most of those who switched to this food system believe that products consumed with vegetarianism are much more useful than any other diet. Of course, vegetarians eat at times more greens than "meat eaters", while they do not need to worry about cholesterol, and therefore, about atherosclerosis and various cardiovascular ailments.

Well, and one more valid argument - "meat eaters" eat more, than it is required to them. And in fact, a person with a sedentary work of food is required less than his ancestor, who hunted mammoths for days and nights. Vegetarians believe that the caloric content of the grass is enough.

Nuances and arguments "against"

Vegetarianism is designed for an average healthy young person, without taking into account "special" needs during pregnancy, professional sports activities, in old age.

Pregnancy and vegetarianism is the topic for the most acute dispute between a pregnant woman and a vegetarian and her "non-herbivorous" relatives: "Not only that, but also the child will hurt yourself", that's what you have to listen to daily.

When pregnancy should be very careful with the following nuances: