Fern Thai

If you are breeding fish in an aquarium, make their living in a more comfortable and similar to the usual in the sea or the ocean. And help you in this is an underwater plant, like a Thai fern.

Description of aquarium fern Thai

The very name of the native land of this fauna representative is evidenced by the name itself. The greatest distribution of this fern was in the hot regions of South-East Asia.

Fern differs elongated root system. On its rhizome alternate long long wavy leaves of bright green color. In height, leaves often reach thirty centimeters. This is a detailed description of the fern of Thai angustifolia. Growing thickly, ferns can form thickets, where fish prefer to hide.

In nature, there is also an interesting species - the fern Thai pterygoid, which also lends itself to growing at home. Unlike the one described above, this representative of the underwater fauna is distinguished by short leaves growing to fifteen centimeters, and an interesting branched apex, reminiscent of the appearance of bifurcated reindeer antlers.

Fern Thai - content

The plant can not be called capricious, but creating a comfortable environment for its normal growth is still recommended. It normally grows in any part of the aquarium - on the sides or in the middle. And you do not need to look for a special primer, you can just use silt at the bottom of the tank. Cultivate a Thai fern under a temperature regime of at least twenty-four degrees. If the water temperature in the aquarium is below the specified, the leaves will grow slowly.

The fern needs water soft, with hard water development slows down. This shows a weakly acidic or neutral acidity level. By the way, both these conditions are present in slightly old water. That is why for a tropical visitor from Asia water is best to change no more than twice a month, substituting just one-fifth of the volume of the aquarium.

For normal growth, the fern needs good lighting. Optimum variant - the illumination created with the help of fluorescent lamps . If you do not have such lamps, use incandescent lamps. By the way, the light day should last about half a day.

Fern reacts well to fertilizing with fertilizers, with nitrogen content. Weekly for every one hundred liters of water in the tank, you need to lower one or two granules of urea.

It's simplest to multiply the Thai fern by dividing it into parts with several sheets and then replanting to a new location.