Bearded Agama

A very exotic animal, coming to us from the deserts of Australia and bearing the bizarre name of bearded agama, becomes an extremely popular pet. This lizard impresses with its unusual appearance and does not require expensive maintenance and maintenance.

Description of the bearded agama lizard

It is a reptile, the length of which, along with the tail, ranges from 40 to 60 centimeters. Has a wide small head of triangular shape and a flat body. Its name is due to the hard scales located on the neck and having a V-shaped look. The color of the back can vary from the mood of the animal and shimmer with all shades of green, yellow or blue. The main coloring of the body consists of gray and brown tones with a pattern of dark (light) stripes or spots. Powerful paws end in short fingers with sharp claws. Noteworthy is the tail of the agama, its length occupying almost half of its entire body.

Contents of bearded agamas

It is a pleasure to keep such an animal at home, as there is no need to observe the complex rules and conditions for the care of the bearded agama. One of the indispensable attributes of her normal life is the presence of a source of variable temperature, which should recreate the habitual conditions of habitat in the desert. Thus, for example, the daytime temperature must be at least 30-35 ° C, and the night temperature should not be lower than 20 ° C. Also, during the daylight hours, it is necessary to provide the agama with a cool place in its "home". The terrarium for the bearded agama should have an oblong shape, which is due to the structure of its body, and dimensions of at least 80cm x 50cm x 40cm. As a filler, calcium sand or, consisting of crushed corn cobs, a non-articulating substrate is used. To avoid swallowing, do not use stones or sea pebbles as a base. At home, bearded agama should be bathed at least two times a week, to give her a walk around the house or on the street under watchful supervision or on a special leash.

It is necessary to provide a mixed diet for a reptile. Food can be either animal or vegetable. Invertebrate insects, young shoots and leaves of plants, vegetables, fruits and herbs will be used. Feeding bearded agama should be two-time and contain bananas, apples, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, snails, cockroaches, grasshoppers and more. In the diet of an animal, it is necessary to have vitamin complexes, but they only need to be used once a month.

Diseases of the bearded agama

To prevent the occurrence of diseases, this pet should be provided with appropriate conditions of detention. Neglect of their observance can result in such pathologies as:

Acquire bearded agama better in specialized stores, or directly from the breeder. Be sure to conduct a preliminary examination and consultation with a veterinarian. Weigh all the pros and cons of such a purchase, get the consent of all family members and make sure that you can keep such an animal.

The morphs of the bearded agamas are artificially derived varieties of this reptile. As a result of crosses, various colors of the animal were obtained: white, red, golden, orange and even pink. It is very interesting to look morphs with a completely smooth back and chin.